Stephany Molenko Baughman
Published in
4 min readJan 7, 2018


Cayenne (Capsicum annuum)

A popular ingredient for giving a kick to salsa and other dishes, Cayenne has numerous health benefits including reducing blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reducing pain and inflammation, providing relief for heartburn, moderating blood sugar level, and helping to break down carbohydrates during digestion. All of that is due to a potent chemical, capsaicin, found in the thin skin surrounding the seeds.

Cayenne (capsaicin) supplements have been studied for their ability to curb appetite, increase resting metabolic rate (turn-up your metabolism), and stimulate the breakdown of fats for energy. Short-term studies (12 weeks or less) with athletes, individuals who are of average weight, and those who are obese have shown cayenne does raise metabolism by about an extra 50 calories burned per day. In one to two years, if you did nothing else special with your diet and exercise routine, you’d lose a little weight.

Cayenne pepper belongs to the Capsicum family and its botanical name is Capsicum annuum. It is the red or green chili pepper that is used to add spicy flavor to foods throughout the world. Cayenne contains vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin K, carotenoids and the complete B complex. It is also a source of calcium, potassium, manganese, and dietary fiber.

Cayenne pepper is an integral part of many recipes in India. This herb, which came to India in the 16th century, has become so popular that many people in the villages eat bhakri (bread made of cereals) with a paste of cayenne pepper. Though this is not good for long term health, it is a staple food for many people in rural India.

Other studies have looked at different amounts of capsaicin taken and how it is prescribed (ex., taken before, during or after a meal) plus a person’s general health status. Capsaicin has an affect on how full a person feels (satiety) before, during, and after a meal as well as food choices people make. (The latter, scientists think, has to do with how cayenne supplements are digested). The amount of capsaicin taken, to a certain point, also affects the amount of change in metabolism and the effect on appetite. A holistic health practitioner can best determine the amount of capsaicin that will help you with your weight loss or other health goals.

A capsaicin supplement is a great way to support your metabolism when you are trying to lose weight but it’s not a “miracle diet pill.” You still need to follow an overall healthy diet and consistently participate in an exercise program.

The medicinal or health benefits of the Cayenne pepper include the following.

Reduces Arthritic Pain

The topical application of cayenne pepper causes irritation in the applied area, thus helping to distract the nerves from joint pains due to arthritis.

Boosts Digestion

A diet containing cayenne pepper helps to avoid stomach aches, gas, and cramps. Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine recommends it for digestion as it stimulates the flow of stomach secretions and saliva.

Treats Sore Throat

It is said that water mixed with cayenne pepper can be used to gargle when you have a sore throat.

Improves Blood Circulation

When any body part is sick, the blood flow to that area is usually affected. Cayenne helps to remove that entire blotch, stimulates the blood flow, makes sure that the vitamins are properly delivered to all areas, and guarantees that waste is removed.

Avoids Congestion

Capsaicin stimulates secretions, which helps to clear the mucus from the nose and lungs by clearing the sinuses and causing sweating. Often, in villages in India, if a person is congested in the nose or chest/lungs, some extra mirchi is added to their regular vegetables (bahji) to make them extra spicy. Tea mixed with cayenne pepper is believed to be good for treating conditions of cold and flu.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels

There has been some research that proves that giving cayenne extract orally to a patient can help to stop heart attacks. Cayenne helps to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and helps to dissolve fibrin, which causes the formation of blood clots. It also reduces triglyceride levels.

Cures Headache

Smelling cayenne helps to cure headaches.

Relieves Respiratory Problems

Cayenne pepper is a source of beta-carotene, which is helpful in reducing symptoms of asthma.

Boosts Immunity

The Vitamin A, also known as beta-carotene, in cayenne pepper gives protection against invading pathogens by helping the development of healthy mucus membranes in the nasal passage, lungs, and urinary tracts, thereby providing immunity against infections.

Weight Loss

Cayenne added to food helps you lose weight with proper digestion. Therefore, it also reduces excess appetite due to inefficient absorption of nutrients. On another note, when you eat food that has some extra spicy mirchi, you tend to drink more water, which can definitely help you lose a bit of weight, and flush your system out!

Prevents Cancer

The beta-carotene found in cayenne pepper works as a good antioxidant that prevents or repairs the damage caused by free radicals. Therefore, it prevents atherosclerosis and colon cancer.


Like all other foods or herbs, we must be careful when using this herb. Excess consumption may cause burning sensations in the throat, stomach, or rectum.




Stephany Molenko Baughman
Editor for

Owner Free 2 B Me LLC, Nutritional Therapist, Weight Loss & Health Coach, Personal Chef, Content Manager at Fry Egg,