Food that sounds good but isn’t…

Stephany Molenko Baughman


Agave nectar it is not all that you think that it is. Let’s talk about advertising. Advertisers slap the word “natural” on nearly any food product because that term helps convince people it’s healthy. Agave nectar has been hailed the natural substitute to artificial sweetener, but it has more fructose than any other common sweetener, including high fructose corn syrup. Try stevia instead. It is delicious and comes in many flavors and is calorie free. Agave nectar may be low on the glycemic index, but it is not a healthy choice so please refrain from using it.

Skim milk is losing a lot of the factors that make whole milk so healthy. you are eliminating the fat, but you’re also getting rid of the great essential vitamins, texture, and flavor. To make matters even worse, skim milk is “fortified” with synthetic vitamins in an attempt to replace the protein and calcium lost in processing. There is no benefit to purchasing fat free or low fat products ever. Processing ruins the quality and it isn’t healthy. Stay away from processed foods.

What about eating those wraps? Spinach or whole wheat? Wraps are thinner than hoagies, buns, and bread, so they’ve gotta be healthier, right?Most restaurants and quick stop shops wrap your sandwich and other ingredients in a 12-inch wrap and believe it or not that give you twice the amount of calories as plain old bread. Plus, spinach, tomato, and whole grain wraps don’t contain nearly as much veggies and whole grains as you’d think just additional coloring and flavoring. When you purchase a pre-made wraps you can’t control what’s in them. Many include processed dressings and not a lot of vegetables. It is processed and you need to stay away.

Pretzels are made from flour and most flour is genetically modified and they are made in a factory. Pretzels have no nutritional value and may even be your go-to snack because they’re fat-free., Remember they are made with white flour, this is a carbohydrate that quickly converts to sugar in your body, spiking blood sugar and causing your hunger levels to rise, also filled with excitotoxins that’s why you can polish off an entire bag. Pretzels should be avoided . Try nuts, kale chips or fruit instead

Yogurt that is flavored is not good for you. It has a lot of sugar in it. Remember advertisers are paid to sell. The tiny cup of yogurt you eat for breakfast has more sugar than you’d ever suspect. Most brands have close to 15g per 6oz serving.This will not help you to lose weight, it will spike your blood levels and just make you more hungry. Instead, try plain greek organic yogurt and sweeten it with stevia. You can make a delicious parfait by layering it with fruit and nuts for a satisfying breakfast that will keep the hunger pangs away.

Canned soup is loaded with sodium and although it seems like an easy fix to hunger it is not.Many can have plastic liners that have BPA which is toxic. Soup is truly one of the easiest meals to make and you can even make it in your crock pot so that it is ready when you come home. Use the leftovers for a healthy lunch.

Pita chips are kinda like pretzels without the salt, kinda. Almost all pita chips are made with enriched wheat flour, (this means that they took out all of the good nutrition and put synthetic back in), or white flour, oil, and salt. A study published in Current Atherosclerosis Reports found a diet full of refined grains and starches increases a person’s risk for heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, even cancer. These are also carbohydrates that will turn to sugar spiking your blood levels and storing fat.

Fruit and vegetable chips sound like they would be a great choice but they actually contain very little fruits and vegetables because of how processed they are. Processing destroys the nutrients and when they make it they add artificial color and flavor. It looks like the fruit or vegetable but it is not.

One of america’s favorite foods is the hot dog. One hot dog has 150 calories and 14 grams of fat before you even add the bun and what is worse yet is that it is highly processed and contain sodium nitrate. Sodium nitrate has been known to be a cancer-causing preservative.

Instead of processed meats try smoked salmon. It has only 99 calories and 4 grams of fat for a 3-oz. serving. Processed Deli meat is not a good choice either firstly because it is so processed and secondly they contain sodium nitrite . Cook your own turkey breast for sandwiches on bread that is organic and contains no GMO’s or use steamed or grilled shrimp. These are much healthier choices.

Candy and candy are so bad for you. Many are sweetened with high fructose corn syrup. For example, one Snickers candy bar contains 280 calories, 14 grams of fat and 35 grams of carbs. Need I say more? They are fat storing. A healthier choice is a dark chocolate that has at least 70–85% cacao. It is actually good for you as it is filled with antioxidants. Antioxidants help fight inflammation.

Read labels and don’t believe all the advertising that you read. You will be healthier and happier.




Stephany Molenko Baughman
Editor for

Owner Free 2 B Me LLC, Nutritional Therapist, Weight Loss & Health Coach, Personal Chef, Content Manager at Fry Egg,