
Stephany Molenko Baughman


Summer is finally upon us. The time of the year that most of us really look forward. The tops of our cars down and the cute clothes. Now is the time to slow things down for a bit and enjoy the beautiful outdoors before those colder temperatures sneak in and spoil our fun.

The food of the season is amazing if we so choose to eat it. Unfortunately, it is also a time when there are lots of foods that are not healthy for us, oversized sugary cocktails, street vendor foods, and deep fried seafood not only add bloating to our bellies they also add unwanted fat.

Tis the season to make some delicious lifestyle changes and begin whittling that waist. There are so many superfoods that will tickle your pallet that you won’t even miss those unhealthy options. Healthy recipes are available in so many places and they are free. Here are some healthy foods that you can try to boost your immune system, lower your waist size and tickle your taste buds.

Cherries are one of my favorite foods, not only are they full of the antioxidant resveratrol, but according to research, resveratrol can increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories. Want to increase that metabolism even more? Go and pick your own!

Portobello mushrooms are amazing on the grill. Low fat and full of flavors it has been proven effective for minimizing insulin spikes. Why does that matter? When your insulin spikes you store fat. Try them brushed with extra virgin olive oil and some garlic then grill. Fill with some tomato bruschetta and top with fresh parmesan cheese. They are also high in protein and great for weight loss. Skip the bread though unless it is non-GMO.

Salads are in abundance and what could be better than a cool cucumber salad on a hot summer day. Not only are they full of hydration, they are loaded with antioxidants that help fight inflammation and reduce your risk of hypertension. They are amazing in water mulled a bit to release their flavor. Eat also or make a cucumber salad.

Skip the bagel, cereal or pancakes for breakfast and try some fresh fruit. Grapefruit is a wonderful breakfast food. High in vitamin C, they are a great choice for anyone who is trying to shed some unwanted pounds because they help stabilize your insulin levels so you are burning fat instead of storing it as those high sugar and carbohydrates do. Best thing? It is quick, easy and tasty.

Tomatoes are plentiful so why not make some salsa? Tomatoes are full of lycopene which has been studied to lower stroke risk. Add to this onions which are packed with antioxidants, jalapeños, which have been proven to not only reduce inflammation but increase your metabolism, and perhaps a vitamin C filled piece of fruit and you have a nutritious and delicious dish. Use it as a salad dressing over a taco salad instead of sour cream. Yum!

Another great summer treat that is made with tomatoes is gazpacho, a cold soup made with onions, garlic and cucumber and some heart disease reducing extra virgin olive oil. Eat as much as you want as it is one of the 20 best fat burning soups ever.

Watermelon is made up of more than 90% water and will help to keep you cool in these dog days of summer. Watermelon is also great grilled or turned into sorbet. At a recent study done at the University of Kentucky found that mice who drank the juice from the watermelon had lower cholesterol and less plaque in their arteries. The sweet taste will also help curve those sugary cravings.

One of my very, very favorite all-time fruits is blueberries. Fresh or frozen they are a super treat. They are low in sugar so they will not cause a spike in your insulin levels. Throw some in your favorite smoothie, or frozen in your handmade lemonade made with stevia for an extra treat at the bottom of your glass. An amazing gift from nature.

Another great go-to snack for the summer is strawberries. One whole cup of strawberries has around 47 calories, 3 grams of fiber, 141% of the recommended dose of vitamin C, tons of B6 and are a great source of iron. Beautiful, tasty and nutritious they are a great choice to snack or eat as dessert. Please though, skip the sugar.

Full of vitamin C and rich in beta-carotene, peaches can also improve your immune system and help you lose weight. Try freezing some then adding them to a blender with a few drops of peach stevia for a sorbet to die for! Are also great in a smoothie.

Let me say one thing about smoothies, watch those serving sizes. Fructose is still sugar so please only eat the serving size or your sugar will still spike. I can’t tell you how many times clients have come into my office and I just watch them drain and melt in front of me. I calmly write fruit smoothie on my paper and put my hand over it. I then ask them what they had for breakfast when they say, “A smoothie”. I show them I guessed it and we talk. Anyone who is eating 3 or more pieces of fruit in their smoothie for breakfast needs to stop. It is not healthy mix your fruit but then you must cut back on your serving size. If you are adding 4 fruits then you need to add a quarter of a serving of each, does that make sense? Add a protein in there to slow the release of sugar in your system and keep you fuller longer.



Stephany Molenko Baughman
Editor for

Owner Free 2 B Me LLC, Nutritional Therapist, Weight Loss & Health Coach, Personal Chef, Content Manager at Fry Egg,