Tis the Season…

Stephany Molenko Baughman


Before you know it the holidays will be here. Now is the perfect time to start changing some habits and start to get in shape. If you start now then your New Years Resolution can be, “Just keep succeeding!” Here are some recommendations to help you on your journey.

Start today, a journey of 1000 miles begins with the first step. Don’t put off today what you can do tomorrow. Wrap your head around it and believe it. You gained it and you can and will lose it. No self-pity here! What is the perfect day? Today! You got this.

First of all, make some realistic goals. You can do this!! It really helps if you post your goals in places to help you encourage yourself and keep you on track. Bathroom mirror, on the snack shelf, (better yet get rid of the snacks so that they are not a temptation.) Motivation is the key so motivate yourself.

You are a unique, amazing, wonderful individual so do not compare yourself with anyone. Look in the mirror every morning and smile, tell yourself that you are unique, wonderful and amazing and that you are worth it because you know it you really are.

Surround yourself with friends who will support you and your goals. Share these goals with them and ask them to help you stay motivated. If people are negative or try to sabotage you or tempt you, stay away from them and explain that you need their support, not their criticism.

One of the first things that I do with all of my clients is to take pictures and measurements. I do this at least once a month but every two weeks is optimal. This is great motivation because if the scale isn’t moving or you reach a plateau, you can see by measurements that you are making progress. This is great motivation and as I said before motivation is the key!

Drink water, lots of it. About 1/2 of your body weight in fluid ounces of water a day it adds no calories and helps to detox your body. Don’t drink your calories. Sugary drinks have no nutritional value and alcohol will slow down your metabolism. Green tea helps your body burn fat and yerba mate, oolong can give you more energy. Vinegar and peppers, (which contain Caspian) also help with your metabolism.

Eat food that grows and all of the colors of the rainbow. Vegetables contain not only vitamins and minerals but lots of fiber that keeps you fuller longer.No one ever got fat on fruits and vegetables. It is almost impossible to gain weight eating green vegetables because the caloric value is so low. Rather than worrying about calories think about the quality of your food. Organic grass fed beef, wild caught fish, range free eggs and non-GMO fruits and vegetables. When you eat a fruit eat a protein with it, it will slow down the release of the sugar and keep you fuller longer. Also, try to eat that fruit before 4:30 PM. Eating good fats such as coconut or using coconut oil, avocado, olive oil or fish will help you burn more fat and keep your insulin from spiking. When your insulin spikes, you store fat.

Interval training with weights is a great way to train. It is great for your heart and helps you to burn more calories without making you burn out. Thinking that hours on a treadmill will get rid of that belly fat is not going to work well and it is boring. The key is to push yourself, not so much as to hurt yourself but when you push yourself you raise your metabolism for several hours after your workout. Try to make efficient use of your time and your workouts.

Try to work out 3 times a week. Working on strengthening your core. Core strengthening will help so much of your body and do not feel as though you have to kill yourself. Start with 10 minutes a day and work up to 30. That is a great goal. Believe in yourself and listen to your body but don’t whimp out. Be proud of what you accomplish. You can and will do this because you control your destiny, no one else does.

Sleep is really important, deprivation will only increase your stress hormone and then your food choices will not be good and it will slow down weight loss. Try to relax and meditate on relaxing. Reducing stress during the day really helps. Instead of handing out with the crowd at lunch and snacking on the latest food that someone brought in (usually a fattening dessert), go for a walk and really enjoy it. Look for the beauty in nature and the warmth of the people you meet. Take your family with you for a walk rather than sipping on an alcoholic beverage and zoning out. Enjoy the moment that you have.

Stay away from processed food, sugar and carbs. They will pack on the weight, have no nutritional value, and make you want more of them because of the excitotoxins that they contain. Bring your own snacks, you will know that they are good for you and it is something that you know that you can eat. If you are going out to eat check out the menu before you go so that you can order something healthy and yummy. Honestly, the hardest part of eating out is deciding what you want, after you choose you will be happy and will eat what is placed in front of you.

When you go out of town or on vacation just make health a part of your day. Walk to your destination, rent a bicycle and take a ride, play tennis or go kayaking. Make it fun, not an I have to exercise. Just practice good nutrition and good health.

Intermittent fasting is a great way to help reduce calories without having to concentrate on what not to eat and all of this works in your favor in reducing inflammation and fat. Adding weights or resistance all helps with burning fat even quicker.

By all means please avoid sodas, fruit juices and adding sugar to your coffee or tea, unnecessary, empty calories. Embrace your changes and be proud knowing you are becoming healthier and thinner.

Practice mindfulness in all that you do whether it is where you eat, how you eat or how you feel when your eating to work and family, mindfulness is so important, Look at the long run and the changes that you are making that will just be a part of your lifestyle for the rest of your life. Recover from your workouts and take time to rest, even work them into your schedule. A tiny bit of cheating is ok and can even possibly speed up your metabolism but limit it to once a week. Everything in moderation.

Again, and I know I am repeating myself, have a support system or an accountability group. It will help you to succeed. You can also check out fryegg.com for accountability, coaching or other healthy options. Work at your time, in your space with the person you choose. You can do this, you can succeed I believe in you.



Stephany Molenko Baughman
Editor for

Owner Free 2 B Me LLC, Nutritional Therapist, Weight Loss & Health Coach, Personal Chef, Content Manager at Fry Egg,