Top Tools for Faster and Productive Development?

Today we will see some of the commonly used tools to increase your productivity and quality of your development and the overall workflow. Whether you are building your application using React, Angular, Ember, Vue etc. The art of efficient choice of your tools aids you to tackle different problems.

These days developers need to develop applications in both Android and iOS devices and are put in spot to develop an user interface that can be used across both platforms, while maintaining the look and feel. In this situation are developer creating separate UI’s specific to corresponding platform, resulting in increased time and effort?

Achieving the look and feel of native view is a major challenge developer face these days and are the component good enough to act like native or what are the alternatives?

This is where the modern UI tools comes like a life saver with wide range of building block available to the developer. Ranging from buttons, input elements, scrolling list, Grid element and many more. These components are still available but not designed to caters the modern cross platform concerns and constraints in the modern applications.

In order to overcome these challenges, I think we need to explore and make the maximum utilization of the UI component library which is readily available to us, use them in our development process and building a modern application.

Let’s explore some of the best tools in the markets and there productivity meter.

1. Bit

Bit is one of the leading platforms for front- end components, it is fast, dynamic and collaborative way to build your team’s component library. With Bit you can host UI components and collaborate across projects.

2. StoryBookJs

Storybook is an open source tool for developing UI components in isolation for React, Vue, Angular, and more. It makes building stunning UIs organized and efficient.

3. NativeBase

NativeBase is a free and open source UI component library for React Native to build native mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms.

4. PatternFly

PatternFly Elements An open-source, flexible design system using Web Components.

5. Elix

Elix is an open collection of high-quality web components for common user interface patterns such as lists, menus, dialogs, carousels, and so on. The modular nature of web components let you easily incorporate them into your web apps, and their standard definition ensures good results across all mainstream browsers.

6. Webcomponents

WebComponents aims to make it easy to share, discover and reuse web components. Web components is a standard created to empower developers to create HTML tags such that <my-new-button> would be valid and able to be utilized across all browsers. It creates a framework agnostic way of composing and repurposing code.

7. Stencil

Stencil is a toolchain for building reusable, scalable Design Systems. Generate small, blazing fast, and 100% standards-based Web Components that run in every browser.

10. Vaadin web components

Vaadin makes it easy to build beautiful web apps in Java. The included library of UI components is designed to work well on both mobile and desktop. Your users will appreciate the attention to detail while you can focus on the functionality.

9. Polymer Elements

Polymer lets you build encapsulated, reusable Web Components that work just like standard HTML elements, to use in building web applications. Using a Web Component built with Polymer is as simple as importing its definition then using it like any other HTML element:

10. UI5 Web Components (SAP)

UI5 library is a set of lightweight, reusable, and independent UI elements. The components are not however built on top of UI5 but are standalone elements. You can use across frameworks and apps.


Since you have a brief view of the available tools in the market, I think it is always a good practice to explore the tools in depth and you will be surprised by the available number of options and there unique features.

Do you recommend or have any other tools in mind that you would like to mention then please share your comments with us?



Application Library Engineering Group

World’s Innovative open collaborate Platform, build reusable application components to reduce effort and fast track application development on multiplatform.