7charts: An Online Platform For Understanding Facebook Ads in Politics

We’ve summarised Facebook ads on a number of social and political issues, all in 7 simple charts

Chris Schon
Applied Data Science
2 min readOct 3, 2019



Recently, Facebook released its ad library report to provide an understanding of how their platform is used to influence political and social issues. There you can explore, filter and download data from thousands of pages totalling millions of ads.

To give further transparency and accessibility, we’ve built a set of interactive charts which analyse advertisers’ spend on topics like the US presidential campaign, Brexit and more. For each topic, we visualise spending and user targeting statistics in 7 simple charts.

Facebook ad by UK political entities

With 7charts, you can answer questions like:

  • Who are Brexit campaigners targeting through Facebook?
  • What advertisement strategies are political pages using? Lots of small ads or a few large ones?
  • Which states are the Democratic candidates most focused on, and when?

Explore the answers to these questions and more here. We’ll be refreshing the charts regularly, so you can closely follow your topic of interest. Happy learning!

This is the blog of Applied Data Science Partners, a consultancy that develops innovative data science solutions for businesses. To learn more, feel free to get in touch through our website.

