The 24 essential data science projects that will transform your business

David Foster
Applied Data Science
3 min readSep 5, 2017

A few months ago, I wrote about how many of the most common data science projects can be thought of as enhancing the relationship between core business functions, such as marketing and sales and key business entities such as the customer and the product. If you haven’t read it, check it out below:

But that got me thinking —wouldn’t it be great if there were a guide to each of these core projects, that explains the problem that you’re trying to solve, the solution, the data that you’ll need to implement it, the key deliverables and the overall output of the project?

Well now there is…

Feel free to use this as a source of information to structure your own data science projects. Each of the 24 projects are broken down into the following areas:


Every data science project should solve a problem — make sure that when you set out to deliver a project, you’re clear that you can define the underlying problem that is in need of a solution.


What data science techniques solve the problem?

What steps need to be taken to build the solution?

How will the solution be embedded into the business?

These three questions need answers before embarking on any data science project.


Data science needs data. Often the data is difficult to gather or requires heavy cleaning. Make sure you’re clear on the quality and availability of data when scoping the project.


What will physically be implemented once the project is completed?


Can you describe in a sentence how the business will improve as a result of the data science project? What does the new data-driven business-as-usual look and feel like?

Hopefully you find the guides useful — I’d love to hear from you if you think there are any key projects missing or if you have any suggestions.

If you would like to learn more about how our company, Applied Data Science implements these solutions, feel free to get in touch through our website or direct message me through LinkedIn.

…and if you liked this, feel free to leave a few hearty claps :)

Applied Data Science is a London based consultancy that implements end to end data science solutions for businesses, that deliver measurable value. If you’re a business that wants to do more with your data, let’s talk.



David Foster
Applied Data Science

Author of the Generative Deep Learning book :: Founding Partner of Applied Data Science Partners