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The Data Place
Applied Data Skills
1 min readJul 16, 2019

Applied Data Skills is a project from The Data Place to help people:

  • learn how design skills can enhance their data skills;
  • learn how data skills can enhance their design skills; and
  • learn both data and design skills.

We’re doing some exploratory work at the moment so everything you see online is just the very early stages of the project. Over time we want to learn from the first people who get involved and hopefully build that learning into a bigger project.

For now we just want to find out what people want to learn, how they want to learn it, and where new skills around data and design might have real impact.

This Medium Publication will include updates on the project as we go along and act as a temporary website where we’ll link to everything public on the project. Take a look at the menu above to see what we mean.

Applied Data Skills is supported by a grant from the Ufi Charitable Trust. Our discovery phase is exploring the intersection of data and design skills, with a specific focus on how enhanced skills and capacity might help tackle organisational, societal, economic and environmental challenges.



The Data Place
Applied Data Skills

The Data Place provides a complete portfolio of products and services to support organisations in discovering, publishing and using open data.