Why Trump will win the Election

Alex Poulin
Applied History
Published in
Nov 2, 2020
From: https://unsplash.com/@libraryofcongress

There’s a story in US election history where an incumbent is confronted with the favored challenger. The incumbent is faced with people within government volunteering to help his challenger win the election. He is called unfit to continue running for office. The odds for the challenger were pointing to a landslide victory.

Even the incumbent’s wife didn’t believe of his re-election. Yet the incumbent had a few decisive things going for him. He appealed to the Average American. He attacked his challenger directly and didn’t have speeches about unity. He bombarded the government for putting the American people in the mess they were in. Wall Street and the rich weren’t spared from his aggressive and hurtful rhetoric. We can add pollsters to this mix of victims.

Who is this incumbent?

Harry Truman.

Does this campaigning style to the US federal Election sound familiar? It sure does. This was the strategy and predicament Harry Truman found himself against his favored opponent Democrat Thomas Dewey in 1948. Many parallels can be drawn from this election and goes to show, that history can repeat itself, even when some might not believe so or deny its possibility. Trump could find himself to be the next Harry Truman.

Remember: history rhymes.



Alex Poulin
Applied History

Aspiring polymath. Driven by questions and ideas to reduce existential risks.