Snoop Dogg vs. Donald Trump Twitter Beef

Alexis Garcia
applied intersectionality.
4 min readMar 29, 2017

Surprise. Suprise. Donald Trump is yet in another twitter beef scandal this time with Snoop Dogg. Trump somehow cannot stay away from twitter, he is almost like a fifteen year old high school girl that loves to seek drama and attention. Donald Trump has more important things to focus on like “Making America Great Again” instead of arguing behind a computer screen. Every single time he posts an irrelevant drama filled tweet, it irritates me the thought of how much time he spent on that one tweet. First, he had to take the time out of his day to listen to people talk about him, then he had to stop what he was doing, and finally think of something “clever” to tweet. I can imagine Trump wasting a whole day rehearsing what he is going to say, double checking his grammar, and asking his secretaries for input on his tweet he is about to blast out. Then he spends the rest of his day laughing to himself how great of a tweet he posted and waiting for his twitter beef victim to reply. If Donald Trump cares so much what people have to say about him, then he should first of all resign as president but of course he is too full of himself to do that. So realistically, Trump should not follow his version of “Making America Great Again” but rather listen to the people and their needs which is not overturning Obamacare, removing the travel ban, and not building the Mexican border wall.

It is not a secret that America is not the greatest place in the world as people make it seem to be. America is a trope of the United States says Vorris Nunley. Nunley writes on the effect tropes carry on people and the way someone perceives a certain person or perhaps image because of the trope surrounding them. America is a trope for the United States, Nunley restates Bill Clinton. America is not as great as it is perceived, it is not the land of opportunity that people think it is. Donald Trump tries so hard to make it seem like he is making America better and go back to how it was a long long time ago. But what is his definition of great, making America filled with only white rich people? Trump is trying to continue this trope for America, he’s continuing this false image of America.

As Snoop Dogg stated,

“Nobody’s dealing with the real issues with this F******clown as President.”

Snoop Dogg said in response to his music video “Lavender” in the NY Times. In Snoop Dogg’s recent music video, Lavender, he was filmed pointing a toy gun at a clown version of Donald Trump and pulling the trigger on him that released a little flag, “Bang.” Snoop Dogg is right, Donald Trump focuses more on what the media says about him because he is a Television Personality not a politician nor a president. The celebrity’s main focus is not so much on what is better for the American people but more on his own personal image. Snoop Dogg spoke out for the people whose voices are not heard, he spoke out for the black people, he spoke out for the victims of police brutality, and most importantly he spoke out for the American people. Snoop Dogg did not record this music video to be funny or to receive attention, he recorded the video to express his feelings as a black male and where he stands in a Donald Trump world. Snoop Dogg spoke for the American people and the issues with society in his Lavender video more effectively than YG in his rap video, “Fuck Donald Trump.” Although YG did create a very catchy song that we’re all able to sing out loud with anger to relieve our stress and hate, Snoop Dogg sent out the bigger picture. The president and the authorities of the United States do not care about the American people, the 99%.

Republicans are outraged Snoop Dogg spoke so negatively and threatened Donald Trump and are in favor too that Snoop Dogg should be arrested for it. Lavender did not falsely paint a picture of America, the president nor the authorities. The clowns that follow in the footsteps of our clown president try so hard to create a false negative image in regards to minorities, democrats, and the working class. Even in Nunley’s article, she justifies George Zimmerman’s act of murder as innocent because of her trope symbolism. The murder of Trayvon Martin cannot be covered up just how the lynching of Obama cannot be covered up or forgotten. Republicans are angry, hurt, and are in fear because of Snoop Dogg’s video and want him in jail for his actions but when Obama was elected president, the lynching of his stuffed body was seen as a joke and a freedom of expression.

All I have to say is well done Snoop Dogg. Thank you for speaking out for the American people. Thank you to rap for not having a filter and for speaking out bluntly. As a fan of rap and hip-hop, I look forward to the more music videos that speak out against Donald Trump.

