Guide to Succulents — Digital One-Pager

Alyssa Gamboa
Applied Learning Theory
3 min readMar 5, 2024

“Guide to Succulents” is a one-page digital handout I created to accompany a virtual live wellness event.

Alyssa Gamboa’s “Guide to Succulents” Digital One-Pager explaining Basic Care, How to Pot, and How to Propagate

In 2020, while the company I worked for required employees to work from home during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, I gave a virtual live presentation about succulents as a wellness event. The talk was delivered over Zoom and included a live demonstration followed by open Q+A with participants; the event lasted 1 hour. I created this supplemental one-pager in Microsoft Word using my own original photos, which was distributed to attendees as a PDF following the virtual live event and posted on the company’s Wellness Sharepoint Site.

Alyssa Gamboa presenting from home via Zoom in August 2020

The one-pager was designed to be fun and friendly, as well as concise yet comprehensive. I wanted the guide to be able to stand on its own for folks who could not attend the virtual live event, and for those who may want to reference the guide well after the event. I chose green as the title and subtitle color accompanied by pink accents and arrows to mirror typical succulent colors.

This presentation was not the first time I have had the opportunity to share my love of these wonderful, drought-resistance plants — I planned and hosted two in-person events in pre-pandemic times, one for a company where I worked previously and one for a company where a friend worked.

Photos from the first succulent wellness event I organized in 2017 — I procured cacti-related cupcakes and beverages, gave a talk, and sourced the plants and materials for attendees to create their own potted succulent creation! 🪴
Photos from the second succulent wellness event I delivered at a friend’s company in 2018 — I continued to dial in my presentation and partnered with the office manager to source plants and materials for attendees as well as an on-theme taco dinner featuring nopales! 🌵

