Introducing Workspaces — Quick Access on Steroids.

Anirudh Varma
Applied Simplicity Insights
2 min readDec 18, 2017

As a freelancer, I work on various projects, each projects has a set of folders that I create when working on them, I usually have folders for code, graphics, documents that are interchanged etc.

When working on one project, I often found myself switching b/w these folders and realized that navigating to these folders in the explorer was not the most pleasant and efficient process. As a Windows 10 user, I have access to the Quick Access folder, but I cannot pin all items to that as the list will become pretty large and useless.

I needed something to act like Quick Access but which can change lists based on the project I was working on..

So I set out to create Workspaces, a Windows 10 App which allows me to do just this.

Workspace App

Folder Groups

In Workspaces, I define my projects as Folder Groups. Each folder that is linked to that projects is added to this Group. I can then open folders from the app itself without having to find the folder in the File Explorer. Simple, Right?

Workspaces was built because I wanted to be more productive and efficient, opening the app every time while working on a project was not the best way to go about it.

Active Profiles

When working on a project, simply Activate the Folder Group and pin the app to the taskbar, and use the right click menu to quickly switch folders without opening the app.

Workspaces is just a little tool that I made to solve my problems, By sharing it with the world, I hope it makes someone’s work easier. Please share your thoughts.

Download Workspaces for Windows 10 —

To see how you can use Workspaces, check this video —

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