Ajenti: Web based Control panel for managing linux server

Mohit Sethi
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2015

Ajenti is an open-source web based system Management control panel for managing remote system administrating tasks from the browser similiar to Webmin module. It is a much powerful and lightweighted tool, that provides fast and responsive web interface for managing small server setups and best suitable for VPS and dedicated servers.

It can install packages and run commands, and you can view basic server information such as RAM in use, free disk space, etc. All this can be accessed from a web browser.
Optionally, an add-on package called Ajenti V allows you to manage multiple websites from the same control panel.

Pre-requisites for Ajenti:

1. Registered Domain name
2. Setup hostname on the Server on which you are going to setup the Ajenti CP.
3. A non-root user with sudo privileges.

Installing Ajenti

On your server, as a user with sudo access, first add the repository key. This is used to validate the sources of the Ajenti packages you will be installing.

$ wget http://repo.ajenti.org/debian/key -O- | sudo apt-key add -

Then add the actual repository to your sources list:

$ echo "deb http://repo.ajenti.org/ng/debian main main ubuntu" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list

Now you can update your packages and begin the install process by running:

$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ajenti

When it prompts you to continue, type Y and press ENTER. The install process may take a few minutes. After the process is over, start the Ajenti server:

$ sudo service ajenti restart

Configuring Ajenti

Now, you ajenti is installed, need to configure and it will by default take all the default metrics of server. Open a web browser and browse to https://panel.your_domain_name:8000/ or https://IP:8000/.

Log in with these default credentials:

Username: root

Password: admin

You will now be inside your new Ajenti control panel.


Ajenti already has a lot of functionality built in by default, but if you want even more settings and configurable items in your panel, you can check out the Plugins section. Some plugins are enabled by default, while others aren’t, usually due to unsatisfied dependancies.

You can install disabled plugins by clicking on them in the Plugins menu and pressing the button next to the dependency it requires. Otherwise, if you later install an application manually and Ajenti has a plugin for, you can restart Ajenti and the corresponding menu should appear next time you log in.

System Management

Under the System section in the sidebar, there’s a plethora of configurable items to choose from. You can manage hard drives with the Filesystems menu.

Congratulations: Ajenti control panel is installed on the server. Now, use it to manage server.



Mohit Sethi

OpenSource | DevSecOps | DataScience | Machine Learning | ChatBots | Robotic Process Automation(RPA) | Coffee lover | Codes for a better world | Opinions = Mine