Setup Microsoft Azure account

Manish Sethi
Published in
2 min readFeb 24, 2017

Since we have already started our journey of exploring different cloud platform starting with AWS, i thought of sharing another cloud platform which is growing rapid nowadays in the cloud industry which is Microsoft Azure.

In order to setup Microsoft Azure account, you need to have a outlook account already setup as a prerequisite.

Once it is setup go to Microsoft Azure official website and press start free to get started with free account process.

This pages basically gives you information about how much credit you will get as part of account creation.

Once you click start free in previous screen, it will redirect you to below sign in page which is basically sign in page for Microsoft oulook.

Once you are signed in, it will redirect you Azure sigup page.

Provide the required information and complete the validation such as phone and credit card details. Once you are done and click sign up, it will redirect you to Azure home page where you will see all the services which you make use of.

Now, your Azure account is setup!

Keep reading for upcoming post related to Azure which will talk about different service offering by Azure.


