What Not to Do in a Job Interview

jono r
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2016

We’re sure you’ve seen articles like How to Prepare for a Job Interview and The Best Ways to Answer Interview Questions, so we decided to introduce our brand new webinar series with a twist. Take a look at ‘What Not to Do in a Job Interview’, a recap of our first webinar below.
1. Do not arrive late. Lateness is unacceptable when you’re heading to an interview — it’s an indication of your organization and time management skills, which can reflect your future work abilities. Best practice is to arrive 15 minutes early.

2. Don’t get too comfortable. Confidence is good, but respect is more important. Wait until you’re offered a seat, don’t slouch, and maintain constant and friendly eye contact.

3. Don’t arrive without doing your homework. Do your research and have questions ready. This takes time! The last thing you want is to show up to a job without any knowledge of the role.

4. Do NOT look at your phone! This should be a given, but it still needs to be said. Just turn it off.

5. Do not lie. There’s nothing wrong with “fake it ’til you make it” — EXCEPT ON YOUR RESUME. You will almost always get caught, and never get the job you want. Focus on perfecting your resume with the great skills you have instead!

6. Don’t ask about salary. This is a conversation to be had once you get the job. It’s unprofessional to ask during the interview; it could lead an employer to go in a different direction.

7. Do not speak negatively about previous employers. Even if you had a job from hell, don’t tell them that. This is a red flag for employers, who will think you’re quick to blame others.

8. Don’t forget additional resumes. Bringing a few extra copies makes you look prepared, proactive, and enthusiastic. All qualities you’ll want your future employer to see in you.

9. Do not give unclear answers. Again, preparation is key. Each question should be followed with a specific and clear answer — do not be vague.

10. Don’t forget to follow up! Remind them how interested in the job you are. Whether you email or write a handwritten letter, make sure you send something; nothing at all will seem ungrateful and they’re definitely look for a different candidate.

Click here to view the full webinar on what not to say during a job interview. Stay tuned — our webinars are a biweekly live event!

