Why Video Interviews are the Best Way to Get Hired

jono r
2 min readDec 14, 2016


We know that answering video questions can seem intimidating. Here’s the good news — not only do you already have the skills to do it, but employers prefer this method for hiring.

1. You can record your response as many times as you want.

Not all of us are natural interviewees — how many times have you left an interview and thought, “Oh, I wish I said thatinstead!” Video interviews are great, because you can think about what you’d like to say until you know you’ve got it right.

2. Employers love it.

It’s true — employers want to see your personality shine when you’re applying for a job. Paper resumes provide plenty of information, but they can’t show the interviewer what an incredible smile you have.

3. You’ve done it a thousand times!

Maybe you haven’t done a video interview before, but keep reading if you’ve ever recorded yourself on Snapchat, video called with someone, or taken a selfie. We know you’re comfortable with it, so let that shine through during the interview!

4. You don’t have to sweat the small stuff.

During a normal interview, you might have to worry about things like public transportation and clothing. When you video interview, you can record from the comfort of your own home! We recommend throwing together a presentable look for the parts of you that’ll be seen on camera — but if you want to wear pajama pants, who are we to judge!

5. Your personality can shine.

At the end of the day, this is how you stand out amongst other candidates. If you’re a great bartender, don’t tell us about it; show us! Videos are your best chance to show what a paper resume just can’t. Whatever your craft, be yourself — it really works!

