Parse Shutdown, looking for Alternatives?

Pravin Singh


Its a tough situation to be in. More than 600,000 developers are affected and we are all thinking what next. By now, we have built a habit of adapting as companies like Google and Microsoft too shuts down their services sometimes. Having said that, I am sure we all want to lessen the dependency and focus on our core products.

For the developers community, and those with apps providing communication solution with Parse, you may want to try Applozic. Think of it like Feature-as-a-Service. We have the backend for you but with complete control over your data, privacy and migration. Its like that “Plug n Play” service that you can enable/disable at your comfort.

Facebook has been incredibly nice to us by pushing it to open source instead of complete shutdown. But, if you don’t migrate your database by April 28, Parse will assume that your app is low priority and will de-prioritize its traffic to focus on production apps. Parse provided details on data migration to MongoDB here. After the export, please use our REST APIs to migrate chat and messaging data to Applozic servers:

Applozic’s API serves you with all aspects of IP messaging — one-on-one and group chats, push notifications, context based chat, CTA buttons to accomplish services on other apps for example Stripe for payments with online/offline status, typing indicators, read receipts and more. Applozic can be your quick and easy to integrate real time communication and user engagement solution.

Download the SDK from here:

Please feel free to contact us for integration and customization assistance.

