Real-Time Engagement Can Boost Your Marketplace Returns Beyond Trends & Estimates

Shalini P
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2021

Marketplaces companies are shifting their focus from increasing the number of sellers and buyers, to moving beyond simple transactions to create strong and lasting relationships. Real-time engagement is a key aspect of this shift, with benefits including:

  • Increased conversion rates and order value
  • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Faster time to market for new products
  • Increased repeat purchase rates.

When it comes to real-time engagement, there really is no substitute for a human touch. But there are options that can help you deliver this human touch more efficiently. The most important and accessible option is boosting Real-Time Conversations, and Chat makes the core of it. How you optimize engagement in your Marketplaces business can have a great impact on your communication experience and eventually drive better results.

Real-time communication is the new strategic advantage that helps businesses distinguish themselves from competitors. With the rise of social media, consumers have started taking more interest in online reviews, case studies & product ratings. They want to know more every moment.

Also, the goal of a marketplace is to connect buyer and seller. Because it’s difficult to find the right matches, a lot of time is spent by buyers on browsing and selecting sellers or products. When there is no real-time engagement or chat between buyer and seller, the potential consumer tends to leave the platform for others that offer more convenience. But when real-time engagement and chat are offered, not only the consumer retention increases but also the overall marketplace's sales volume.

The crux of the story: With an increasing number of customers on the internet, customers are likely to adopt an interactive platform. They want to engage with you and they are also looking forward to a real-time chat with various sellers on your platform. Remember the leading marketplaces that have and an edge over conventional ones?

Using Real-Time Chat to Optimize Marketplace Engagement & Boost Conversions

To make your customers happy and increase conversion rates, you can use real-time chat and messaging to increase your average order sizes, deliver personalized messages to your customers, and supercharge your in-app purchases by reaching customers at their highest purchase intent. View how chat and messaging work for marketplaces and learn to boost your customer engagement and retention numbers using a Chat API.

Read more on how Marketplaces can leverage Real-time Engagement to generate more business?

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Shalini P
Writer for

7+ years in B2B SaaS as a Content Creator & Strategist | Sharing everything I have learnt about Apps, Products (Management) and the people behind their success.