Becoming Indistractable

Published in
6 min readOct 14, 2023

Understanding Procrastination

In the vast, turbulent waters of our modern lives, distractions lurk at every turn, threatening to capsize our aspirations. The peril? Missed opportunities, unrealized potential, and the drifting away from our cherished goals — whether that’s securing the perfect job, forging impactful partnerships, or venturing forth into volatile frontiers like Web3 and blockchain.

Navigating the ebbs and flows of professional and personal realms, especially in the dynamic landscape of digital evolution, requires more than just focus — it demands mastery over one’s own self. Technology, with its double-edged allure, presents both opportunities and challenges. The sirens of social media and the overwhelming deluge of information can divert us from charting a meaningful course.

But here’s the revelation, we all procrastinate regularly. Because the storm of procrastination is one we often conjure ourselves. Curiously, even as we recognize the importance of pivotal tasks, we set them adrift.

Whether we’re aware of it or not, we voluntarily delay or avoid tasks that require immediate attention all the time. While it may seem counterintuitive, we must recognize that our behaviour is rooted in the pursuit of feeling at ease and a sense of relief by escaping feelings of discomfort that provide us with that brief anchoring in the familiar waters of ease.

Self-reflection: What things do you procrastinate on?

Becoming Indistractable

Often, our procrastination finds its winds in fears — of inadequacy, of the vastness of the task, or even of succeeding. The whispers of not being enough, the daunting vastness of a challenge, or simply the allure of the known hold us back.

To truly helm our destiny, we must become indistractable. The compass?

  1. Inner navigation through self-reflection: Delve deep within, charting the emotions and beliefs that lure us towards distractions. Replace them with empowering narratives.
  2. Purposeful piloting through consciousness: Plot each day with deliberate intent. Allocate time sanctuaries for focused endeavors and rejuvenating pauses, ensuring we’re not merely reacting but truly steering our journey.
  3. Crafting the vessel to control the environment: Design an environment where external temptations find it hard to creep in. Anchor your space in tranquility and focus.
  4. Oaths of the odyssey through self-improvement: Commit, not just to oneself but also to the tribe. In our promises, we find the strength to persevere.

As we sail through the digital age, it’s not enough to just stay afloat. With indistractability as our north star, we can steer towards uncharted horizons, harnessing the winds of the Web3 realm, and beyond.

Finding Your Flow and Diving Deep

Achieving a state of flow is essential for peak performance in everything you do. By unlocking the flow state, individuals can showcase their true potential and stand out.

Often referred to many as the “ultimate state of human existence,” flow is an almost mystical experience where time seems to stand still, and our skills align perfectly with the challenge at hand. It’s that exhilarating moment when the musician loses herself in the melody, or the coder feels one with the algorithm. Here, distractions dissipate, replaced by a profound sense of unity with the task. It’s not just about doing; it’s about being in that moment. The outcome? Amplified creativity, accelerated learning, and an enhanced sense of well-being.

Homework: Identify one thing that you are passionate about and challenges you at the right level so you can get into flow state.

Whereas flow is about effortless immersion, deep work, as defined by Cal Newport, demands deliberate intent. It’s the disciplined act of silencing the cacophony of our digital age, of creating sacred sanctuaries of undisturbed focus. In this space, we dive deep into demanding tasks, wrestle with complex problems, and produce our best work. It’s less about the ethereal dance with the task and more about the stoic, dedicated commitment to mastery.

While both (flow and deep work) may seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum — flow with its easeful immersion and deep work with its structured intensity — they both guide us to the pinnacle of productivity. They are contrasting, yet complementary.

Homework: Find one cognitive-intensive work that you can tackle for deep work.

💡 Remember, it’s not about the hours we pour into our work, but the energy and intention we infuse into those hours. Whether it’s through the euphoria of flow or the deliberate depths of focused work, the call is to transcend conventional boundaries and redefine our best.

Building Healthy Habits

While grand visions and audacious strategies have their rightful place in our journey, it is the unassuming repetition of our daily rituals that truly crafts our destiny.

You see, we aren’t merely the sum of our grandest intentions or our most public victories. We are, in essence, the culmination of the choices we make, moment to moment, day in and day out. If you find solace in the embrace of a couch, the hypnotic dance of television pixels, or the endless scroll of digital screens, then these actions weave the fabric of your identity.

Homework: Create one small habit that can be done daily that will change everything over time.

Habits are the our silent architects. Every decision, every action, every repetition contributes to the formation of habits. They operate in the background, often unnoticed, yet they define the foreground of our lives. When cultivated consciously, habits have the potential to elevate our potential and guide us towards our higher purpose.

From mundane to monumental, the choices you make upon waking, your responses to challenges, and your evening wind-down — all are influenced by ingrained habits. Now, imagine optimizing those routines for greatness. The mundane becomes monumental, as small, daily actions compound into significant life transformations and behaviour changes.

Homework: Create one small change in your daily schedule that can make lasting impacts.

Together, habit building and behavior change are powerful allies. While habits act as the steady force guiding us, behavior change ensures we remain adaptable, flexible, and in alignment with our higher purpose or calling. This dynamic duo doesn’t promise instantaneous success but assures progress, growth, and a journey that resonates with our deepest desires.

In life, we need structure and adaptability. As we navigate this vast and evolving digital expanse, our habits become our compass, and our capacity for change becomes our sail. Equip yourself with these, and the voyage, no matter how uncertain, becomes a journey worth undertaking


In this ever-changing and fast-paced lifestyle, we are accustomed to, mastering indistractability is key for career and personal growth.

Understanding and overcoming distractions, implementing time management techniques, cultivating healthy habits, and embracing flow and deep work can unlock your true potential. So embrace the journey of becoming indistractable and let it pave the way for a focused, productive, and successful trajectory. By harnessing the principles of indistractability, both you can do more with less, stand out and make meaningful contributions in their respective fields, and create that work/life balance you have always wanted.

For a more in-depth look into this topic, please sign up for my 6-part Minder Course on Becoming Indistractable.




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