How to manage a project from failure

Serge Gusev
Published in
3 min readApr 12, 2021

When you undertake a new venture, many things can go wrong. There are times when you don’t think you can stop yourself from quitting. You are out of the capital to sustain the business; funds are not coming in, new competition, new regulations, and whatnot.

However, it does not mean that you quit when things become challenging. Instead, these are the exact moments when you need to keep pushing forward, improvising on every little detail according to what the situation demands. These are the moments you need to break through to taste the sweet nectar of success finally.

In case you are struggling to keep your business alive or want to be prepared for the rainy days, here are some things that you can keep in mind.

Never ever give up

The first and foremost thing to do, no matter how cliche it sounds, is never to give up. We know it is easier said than done. But, no one crossed the ocean by giving up in the middle. Being determined is as vital as having a good idea.

There are times when you will feel that everything that can go wrong is going wrong. It happens with everybody. But the people who are finally able to succeed are the ones who believe in their goals, themselves and never give up.

Be quick to respond

You should be able to respond to any unprecedented circumstances as quickly as possible. Consider yourself as the person in charge of giving the first aid in case of an emergency, and the person who needs your help is your business.

Being quick on your feet is an essential skill that you can utilize to do the damage control before things cross the point of no return.

Become adaptable

There is no playbook to become a successful Entrepreneurship. Every big brand once started small. Take Apple, for example, that was founded in a garage by a college dropout. What separates successful brands from unsuccessful ones is their ability to adapt.

You have to be adaptable and aware of your industry dynamics. As soon as you sense the scenery changing, make sure that you adapt to it and bring relevant changes to your business model.

Don’t be too shy to ask for help.

Being an entrepreneur means handling many business aspects simultaneously. There are just so many things to do that it is unnatural to expect to know and be good at everything. It is okay to ask for help if you get stuck in something. Always remember, you’ll need people helping you if you wish to grow.

While it is okay to ask for help, it is also important to acknowledge someone’s efforts. It will help you build long-term relations.

Build a team that you can trust

You can manage everything on your own only to a point. After which, no matter how reluctant you are, you’ll need good people around you. These people will bring in additional skills that you won’t have and will come in handy when escaping challenging positions.

Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group, said, “You need the right people with you, not the best people.” When you have the right set of people around you, you’ll be able to steer through the toughest of the challenges.

Make use of Technology

The internet’s age has brought us many revolutionary tools that weren’t available to entrepreneurs’ generation before us. There are management tools and services like what the providers like Approveit offer that can help you pull through the most challenging times.


Paulo Coehlo, a Brazilian writer, wrote in his book The Alchemist,” “Every search begins with beginner’s luck. And every search ends with the victor’s being severely tested.”

So, if you are on a journey to discover something, don’t give up. Continue on the path and continue the hard work. Once the clouds of darkness shatter, the view will be magnificent. Till then, you can pick up some valuable skills as mentioned above or simply take the help of tools and services from companies like Approveit that can make life a lot easier for you. Approveit has a suite of robust management tools that will help you leverage the power of automation to make your business tasks as simple as they can get.

