5 Top HTML5 Based Frameworks Used For Developing Cross-Platform Apps

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3 min readFeb 3, 2017

Previously, having knowledge of numerous web technologies like HTML, JavaScript and CSS wasn’t enough for the developers to develop a powerful native app. But with the passing years the technology advancement has brought a new revolution in the mobile app development frameworks and tools. Now, the developers can easily develop cross-platform apps with simple basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript technologies. By using the device-specific languages such as .NET, Java, etc., they can easily build an app.

Here, we’ll discuss the top 5 HTML5 Based Frameworks that are highly used for the mobile application development process.

1) PhoneGap

PhoneGap is an open-source mobile app development framework, which is powered by the Apache Cordova software. With PhoneGap, the developers can easily build cross-platform apps by implementing the HTML, JavsScript, and CSS, instead of using the native programming languages. It allows the developers to use a common code base for all type of platforms. Additionally, PhoneGap supports multiple platforms such as Android, iOS, BlackBerry 5.x+, Windows Phone, etc.

2) Ionic

Ionic is highly used by the developers, for the development of a high-performance cross-platform apps. It is an open-source front-end framework, which helps in the development of hybrid apps with HTML5. It comes free of cost. By using the Angular.js, you can create an impactful SDK which helps in the development of powerful and interactive applications. It is based on SASS, as well as offers hundreds of UI components for building feature-rich apps.

3) Sencha Touch

Another popular HTML5 mobile application framework that is widely used by the developers for building apps for multiple platforms is Sencha Touch. The apps developed with Sencha Touch can easily use either of the PhoneGap or Sencha’s native packager. Additionally, Sencha Touch comes with GUI tool, also knows as Sencha Architect, helps the users for building a large number of interoperable products.

4) Appcelerator Titanium Mobile

Appcelerator Titanium is an open source framework, which provides an expandable environment that helps for building native applications for multiple devices and operating systems. It comes with JavaScript-based SDK, and more than 5,000 APIs. With Appcelerator, the developers can develop, test, and launch their applications within a single code base. There is no need to manage multiple development toolkits and methodologies anymore.

5) Mobile Angular UI

Being a leading HTML5 framework, Mobile Angular UI usage the Twitter bootstrap 3 framework and AngularJS for developing interactive applications. It mainly uses the Bootstrap 3 syntax, with which you can easily use a desktop app on mobile. It comes with AngularJS modules that include angular-touch, angular-animate, and angular-route.


When it comes to the cross-platform apps, the developers prefer to use the HTML5 web technology as a major mobile development platform for cross-platform apps development. If you also want to build cross-platform apps for your business, then HTML5 is the perfect solution for you.

