Employee performance evaluation — Jira issue template example

Celina Kuziemko
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2024

Look at how an Employee performance evaluation epic with tasks and subtasks can look. Copy ready issue templates to your workflow and use Issue Templates Agent to use templates within your team (we have a 30-day free trial).

Template name: Employee Performance Evaluation Process

Epic: Performance Evaluation [name of evaluated employee/department]

Description: Establish a structured method for assessing and providing feedback on employee performance.


  1. Goal Setting and Alignment

Description: Set clear performance objectives aligned with organizational goals.


  • Meet with the employee to discuss and set performance goals for the evaluation period.
  • Ensure goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

2. Data Collection and Analysis

Description: Gather relevant data and feedback for the evaluation.


  • Collect quantitative data (e.g., sales figures, project metrics) related to the employee’s performance.
  • Collect feedback from peers, direct reports, and supervisors through surveys or interviews.
  • Review qualitative feedback from stakeholders regarding the employee’s contributions and behavior.

3. Evaluation Meeting Preparation

Description: Prepare for the performance evaluation meeting.


  • Compile all relevant data and feedback into a comprehensive evaluation report.
  • Review the employee’s self-assessment, if provided.
  • Prepare talking points and examples to support feedback and discussion.

4. Performance Evaluation Meeting

Description: Conduct a constructive performance evaluation meeting with the employee.


  • Schedule a private meeting with the employee to discuss their performance.
  • Prepare balanced feedback, highlighting strengths and areas for improvement.

5. Development Planning

Description: Collaborate on a development plan to support the employee’s growth.


  • Identify areas for skill development or training based on feedback and performance gaps.
  • Create a personalized development plan with actionable steps and timelines.

6. Performance Review Follow-Up

Description: Document the outcomes of the performance evaluation and follow up on action items.


  • Document key points from the performance evaluation meeting, including agreed-upon goals and development plans.
  • Share the evaluation summary and development plan with the employee for their reference.
  • Schedule follow-up meetings to track progress on development goals and provide ongoing support.

More templates here.

