The Most Boring Article About Updates — Core Web Vitals You’ll Ever Read!

Nagan Baleo
Apptivo, Inc.
Published in
5 min readJul 22, 2021

Core Web Vitals are a collection of factors that Google considers as significant for the overall user experience of a webpage. It focuses mostly on the experience of the users when they click on the Google SERP webpage.

Briefly, Core Web Vitals are a number of characteristics included in the “page experience” of Google (essentially, the Google technique to size up the entire UX of your website).

Importance of Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals influence both the user experience and the performance of the page. Google wants to make page experience a key component in your website ranking. Therefore, these key Web Vital ratings are most likely used to obtain the page experience score of your business’s website. While having a high page experience score is essential, mind that it is one of the prime criteria that contribute to search engine optimization ranking, and it will not instantly push your website to the highest positions. As you have to work on the core web vital on your website, Google announced that companies will have to raise their ratings on the latest updates.

You will need to utilize a combination of laboratory data and outdoor data to test the Core Web Vitals for your site. The values calculated with the Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX), utilizing data from general users who visit your website which is considered Field data. Lab data is the data gathered ideally for the use of a high-grade computer by a developer. Field data helps paint a more accurate picture than lab data, as it takes into account users who are using older devices or have slower internet connectivity. It also provides a few tools accessible to use with the CrUX report.

Google Search Console: It provides access to your Core Web Vitals report. The report examines and classifies all URLs indexed as good, needs improvement, or poor for desktop and mobile devices.

PageSpeed Insights: While there isn’t as much historical data as Google Search Console in the PageSpeed Insights tool, it does offer tips for improving the score of your website for all evaluated URLs.

Principal Elements of Core Web Vitals

Core Web Vitals consists of three specific page speed and user interaction measurements: Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).

Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) — It is a statistic of the Core Web Vitals and measures when the most important content element in the viewport displays. With this, you can know when the prime content of the page has finished rendering on the screen. The leading cause of a bad LCP is slow server response times.

First Input Delay (FID) — It is a measurement of Core Web Vitals that reflects a user’s first impression of interactivity and responsiveness. Likewise, it counts the time between the user first interacting with a page and the time when the browser is actually able to respond to that interaction.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) — It evaluates content instability by adding shift scores across layout changes that don’t take place within 500ms of the user entry. It examines how much visible content shifted in the viewport and the distance between the components affected.

Recent Updates on Core Web Vitals

Google announced Core Web Vitals as one of the main ranking signals last May 2021. This update is also combined with existing UX-related signals.

The ‘page experience’ signal combines Core Web Vitals with the following signals:

  • Mobile-friendliness
  • Safe-browsing
  • HTTPS-security
  • Intrusive interstitial guidelines

How Core Web Vitals Affect SEO?

Although Core Web Vitals are extremely significant elements for Google’s user experience evaluation, these criteria are coupled with others to get an overall result for user experience. Core Web Vitals may represent the page experience score, but it’s influenced by other factors as well, including:

  • Mobile-friendliness: Mobile help is an essential indicator to the user and increases your total score.
  • HTTPS-security: Secure websites commonly have a better user experience, since many avoid completely unprotected websites. Ensure that your infrastructure’s addresses are all HTTPS sites and this will assist to achieve the best user experience.
  • Safe-browsing: Any spyware on your website might significantly reduce the score for obvious reasons. For smooth user experiences with your content, safe surfing is vital, and Google ranks accordingly.
  • Intrusive interstitial guidelines: Pop-ups that clutter the page and are annoying for visitors will affect Google’s rankings negatively. Given the unbelievable frustration for consumers in these pop-ups, good content avoids such overweight advertisements.

While these elements certainly have a minor impact on a user experience, Core Web Vitals has a great impact comparatively on your user experience. These additional elements are crucial while developing your site and content; nevertheless, all SEO ranks are required if the fundamental Web Vital values are underperforming.

How To Improve Core Web Vitals?

Let’s discuss the five steps of improvements you can implement to make sure your site is in line with these algorithm updates:

  • Reduce JavaScript (JS) execution: Poor FID score means that your page interacts with users over 300 milliseconds. You can reduce the execution by deferring unused JS, as per the Google algorithm.
  • Implement Lazy Loading: Lazy loading allows visitors to load images exactly as they browse across their pages without affecting the loading speed of their websites and reach their LCP scoring at a high level.
  • Optimize and Compress Images: By compressing images, you can lower the overall page size and improve your LCP results. In addition to compressing, the Content Delivery Network (CDN) for images is also important.
  • Provide proper dimensions for images and embeds: CLS score above 0.1 is marked as bad and is generally caused by images, ads, and CSS file embedded components without any dimension. The necessity of determining the right height and width helps the browser to assign the correct amount of space on the page while loading the element.
  • Improve your server response time: Each page-load statistic, including LCP, is directly improved by quicker server response times. Use Time to First Byte (TTFB) to measure the server’s response time when the user’s web browser receives the first byte of the contents of your page.


Google has presented the notion of core web vital. These core vitals are designed to enhance user experience in your website interaction. They assist you to evaluate the performance score of your website, which contributes to your website’s overall rating. Core Web Vitals added a new level of intricacy and relevance, yet it has a strong website with a decent user experience. Google is granting businesses a year to improve their Core Web Vital, but they can’t begin to work too early.


