Why musicians should have their own mobile app

Nameet Potnis
Apptuse Magazine
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2016

Why would an established or an upcoming musician need an app? answering that question with “Well, that’s what everyone else is doing” simply isn’t good enough.

After speaking with 40+ artists, we realised that almost all artists face similar problems; distribution, discovery and monetization. Apple sees this as a great opportunity and is looking at launching Apple Music. Apptuse, on the other hand, is looking at this problem differently. We realise that there are multiple services out there that solve niche problems for musicians and are really good at doing so. Instead of reinventing the wheel, we are building a platform to integrate all of these services, into One single Artist branded App.

We ran a closed beta and have received some fantastic feedback from musicians. We now have a pre-launch page where you can sign up to get early access. Check out — Apptuse for Musicians.

Here are a few mock ups we had designed early on.

App with Native Twitter integration

Youtube integration to watch Music Videos

Custom sections for Wallpaper downloads / Image gallery

Here are some of the advantages of the modules we are bringing into the app


What’s the point of having an app that doesn’t feature your music? Luckily, selling or sharing music to your app is very simple. You can choose your platforms that you want to integrate within your app like Spotify, SoundCloud, or even the iTunes store. They can all be added to your app with just a few clicks. [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]Fans can get a preview of your upcoming music through Soundcloud & can also purchase your music on iTunes from within the app[/inlinetweet].


As an independent artist, you spend countless hours promoting your music, tour dates, radio appearances, and so on. This may not reach all your fans. If 20% of your emails are read, you have a good email campaign, but with a mobile app, 70%-80% of push notifications are read. If you have a mobile app, you can reach your fans in a matter of minutes, letting them know when the next show is and what the latest happenings are.

Stay connected

Whether you’re a singer-songwriter, a rock band or a DJ, sharing visual samples of you in your element really enhances the fans experience. [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]Every fan wants to connect with their favourite artists on a more personal level,[/inlinetweet] which is a rising trend since social media made personal interactions on a large scale possible. An app allows you to engage your fans on such a level and allows them to follow you on all your social networks in one place ie. your own application, making them feel closer to their favourite artist. With a mobile app, you can easily connect with ALL your mobile app users and let them experience your world, the jam sessions, recording process, live shows, and even funny moments by posting pictures on Facebook or Instagram, exclusive behind the scenes videos on your youtube page, your thoughts on twitter and a lot more, letting them be a part of your musical journey.

Merchandise store

[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]A major way for musicians to promote themselves is by selling their own exclusive merchandise to their fans[/inlinetweet]. Fans can purchase exclusive merchandise right from the app. App users can also avail special discounts which can be sent to them via push notifications increasing sales and branding.

Events / Tour dates

If you’ve got a show coming up, you should be making a lot of noise about it. If you have an app, you can have your events and tour dates listed, so your fans can book tickets for your upcoming gigs. Keeping your event calendar up to date is the best way to let your fans track your shows and hopefully, show up at them. Concerts, gigs, or even meet-ups can all be published on your calendar so your fans are aware of your whereabouts.

We are building a platform that lets artists, musicians and bands create a mobile app for themselves so your fans can stay in touch with your music and updates. Sign up by clicking here.

[inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]Check out http://apptuse.com/musicians and sign up to get priority access.[/inlinetweet]



Nameet Potnis
Apptuse Magazine

Serial Entrepreneur. Exploring all things commerce. Co-Founder @Apptuse