Prevent resource starvation of critical System and Kubernetes Services

Kashif Saadat
Published in
4 min readMar 22, 2019

When creating a Pod in Kubernetes, the scheduler selects a Node that the Pod can fit on based off the resource requests defined in its spec. However, a Pod’s resource limits may exceed the total capacity available on a Node and by default can consume all available resources. This is an issue because Nodes run many system critical services to manage the OS and Kubernetes runtime, and unless resources are set aside for these services, Pods and system daemons compete for the Node’s resources and this can lead to resource starvation issues, with processes being killed unexpectedly.

The Kubelet exposes a feature called Node Allocatable that helps to reserve compute resources for system services (networkd, sshd, etc) and Pod runtime processes (kubelet, docker daemon, containerd). This protects the system from resource starvation caused by excessive utilisation from Kube Pods running on a given Node. Configuring this appropriately however can be a little tricky, and if done wrong may result in core processes being abruptly killed taking your Node offline.


Before jumping into the Kubelet configuration, let’s touch on control groups first.

Cgroups is a Linux kernel feature that limits, accounts for and isolates the resource usage (CPU, memory, disk I/O, etc) for a group of processes that run within it. The cgroups framework provides the following capabilities:

Accounting: Resource usage is monitored and measured.
Control: The group of processes can be frozen, stopped and restarted.
Priority Levels: Specific groups can be configured to utilise more or less CPUs or disk I/O throughput.
Resource Limiting: A group can be configured not to exceed specific limits for Memory, CPU, etc.

The Node Allocatable Resources proposal document provides some recommended cgroup configuration for Kubernetes nodes. In particular:

  • All OS system daemons are expected to be placed under a top level SystemReserved cgroup (/system.slice).
  • Kubelet and Container Runtimes are expected to be placed under the KubeReserved cgroup (/podruntime.slice) .
  • All Kube containers including the control plane (api-server, scheduler, controller manager, etc) and user workloads are placed under a cgroup automatically created by the Kubelet (/kubepods.slice).

Kubelet Flags

There are a range of flags that can be configured on the Kubelet to manage resource reservation, the more crucial ones are covered below:

kubeReserved: Set CPU, Memory & Ephemeral Storage reserved resources for the container runtime processes. This includes kubelet and the docker daemon itself.
systemReserved: Set CPU & Memory reserved resources for system processes, such as networkd, sshd, udev, timesyncd, etc.
kubeReservedCGroup: Absolute name for the kubeReserved cgroup. The node allocatable design proposal document recommends this be set to /podruntime.slice.
systemReservedCGroup: Absolute name for the systemReserved cgroup. Generally this is /system.slice which all system processes are started under.
kubeletCGroups: Absolute name for the cgroup that Kubelet should run within.
runtimeCGroups: Absolute name for the cgroup that the container runtimes should run within.
enforceNodeAllocatable: A comma separated list of levels of node allocatable enforcement applied by the kubelet, set to pods by default (available options: pods, kube-reserved, system-reserved).

Only set the enforceNodeAllocatable flag if you have sufficiently profiled the resource utilisation of services within the kube runtime and system cgroups and set their reserved resource limits accordingly! If set and the system or kube runtime processes exceed their resource reservations, they may be killed or fail to start. By not enforcing these two limits, they still have reserved resources but are allowed to overflow to the node’s total available resources.

Kubelet by default will always create the root /kubepods cgroup, which all Kubernetes pods are started within. As the enforceNodeAllocatable flag defaults to pods, this also means that a resource limit is enforced for the /kubepods cgroup.

IF the systemReserved & kubeReserved resource amounts are set, these are subtracted from the total resources available on a node and the remainder is defined as an enforced limit on the/kubepods cgroup. It is not required to explicitly set cgroups for `kubeReserved` and `systemReserved`, unless you want to have the ability to more finely control and limit resources for services running within them (or if you’ve configured enforceNodeAllocatable, which will cause Kubelet to error until these cgroups have been defined).


Following the Node Allocatable Resources design proposal, our additional Kubelet configuration now looks as follows (suggested limits will vary based on your node capacity and kube runtime / system process resource utilisation):

cpu: 1000m
memory: 1024Mi
ephemeral-storage: 1024Mi
kubeReservedCgroup: /podruntime.slice
kubeletCgroups: /podruntime.slice
runtimeCgroups: /podruntime.slice
cpu: 1000m
memory: 1024Mi
systemReservedCgroup: /system.slice

Before applying our new Kubelet configuration, we first need to make sure the desired cgroups have been created and are configured appropriately for the relevant services.

Kubelet does not create any other cgroups aside from /kubepods, so the systemReservedCGroup and kubeReservedCGroup must be created manually (if they don’t already exist) prior to starting the Kubelet Service, otherwise the Kubelet will end up in a crash loop. By default the /system.slice cgroup should exist and the kube runtime services run under that (unless explicitly configured otherwise). That leaves the /podruntime.slice to be created manually prior to loading the new Kubelet configuration.

If you are using Kops to build and manage your Kubernetes Clusters, you can provide the following snippet within your Kops ClusterSpec as a FileAsset to create the cgroup prior to starting the container runtime and kube services:

- name: podruntime-slice
path: /etc/systemd/system/podruntime.slice
content: |
Description=Limited resources slice for Kubernetes services

Next, a drop-in is required for containerd and the Kubelet Service in order to ensure they use the newly created cgroup, and also to enable Kubelet to create the relevant cgroup paths for CPU & Memory accounting:

- name: kubelet-cgroup
path: /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-cgroup.conf
content: |
- name: containerd-cgroup
path: /etc/systemd/system/containerd.service.d/10-cgroup.conf
content: |

Note: From kops v1.12+, the CPUAccounting & MemoryAccounting are included in the Service by default and no longer need to be manually included as above. The Slice must still be provided however to ensure it starts under the desired cgroup.

Now that the required cgroups are created, you can apply your Kubelet configuration and restart the service for the changes to take effect!


Included below are some helpful commands for debugging cgroups and resource utilisation on nodes.

