Proactively Optimize Network Resource Utilization with Capacity Monitoring and Reporting

Unplanned network outages are the stuff of nightmares. When enterprise networks go down, all sorts of bad things start happening: Customers get frustrated because they can’t complete their transactions, employees lose productivity, company assets become vulnerable to attacks, critical data gets lost, and various IT groups begin scrambling to try and identify and diagnose the incident and its cause, and to find a fix that would, hopefully, bring everything back to normalcy.

There are plenty of potential causes of unplanned downtime: Hardware failures, software errors, security breaches, human mistakes… just to name a few. Research shows that nearly a fifth (17%) of all network outages are caused by device overload — when individual network components are unable to handle the amount of traffic that flows through them and become overwhelmed. AppViewX, with its predictive analytics model, helps mitigate device outages by proactively monitoring and reporting the network devices’ utilization data, so network teams can be alerted of utilization spikes before they occur and take remedial action.

Monitoring & Alerting

AppViewX offers automated health monitoring and CPU utilization workflow capabilities, which scan the network device parameters at regular intervals and immediately alert the NetOps teams if high utilization readings are detected. All devices’ data specifications are recorded to provide historical data for understanding and analyzing usage patterns.

Predictive Reporting

Using the stored data for every monitored network device, AppViewX can then predict the utilization spike before it can cause a catastrophic failure. Based on each device’s historic data, AppViewX calculates a “moving average” for CPU utilization and capacity and alerts the appropriate teams when a threshold might be breached. This data also gives network architects the heads-up to come up with equalizing and load balancing strategies for their networks to prepare for demand surges.

Proactively Optimize Network Resource Utilization with Capacity Monitoring and Reporting

AppViewX Helps Ensure Zero Outage for Remote Workers

Consider this example: A global enterprise suddenly had to support all of its workforce connecting remotely –during the COVID-19 pandemic. The IT team needed to be sure that there would be no system outage due to the overload; and turned to AppViewX for device capacity planning and monitoring. AppViewX provided a continuous capacity reporting workflow, which periodically calculated capacity vs utilization for all network devices and proxies based on observed historic patterns. AppViewX then reported this information to NetOps engineers, alerting them when higher-then-normal activity was predicted, giving them time to mitigate the impact. The result — the company has experienced no overload-related outage for the past 60 days, and is hoping to continue providing uninterrupted access to their remote workforce for as long as it’s needed.

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