DNS Resource Records management

Can you remember your sister’s phone number? How about your driver’s license number? Or your favorite aunt’s mailing address? Chances are, you use these numbers on a regular basis, but you just can’t recall them without looking at your phone. What if we asked you to recall the IP addresses of your favorite news outlets or social media sites? You’d remember the names, but not the numbers. This is exactly why DNS was invented — a Domain Name System ensures that you get to the right address on the web without having to enter the exact IP address — all you need is a name of the site. It’s like the phonebook of the Internet. We enter the site names, and the browser takes us to the right locations. DNS is the genie behind the magic of translating hostnames into IP addresses and transporting us where we need to go, lightning-fast.

Lots of Variables Go Into Each DNS Record

Companies keep adding IP addresses to their networks by publishing more and more content for both internal audiences and for the outside world. To make this happen, network engineers must create zones, secondary zones, domains, host names, IP address, C (Canonical) Names, A records, Pointer records, and so on.

Imagine for a minute how time consuming it is to manage all these variables just to create a single successful DNS record? All the prerequisite configuration setup has to be in one place, so that when someone looks up the name of a DNS server, the zones underneath would be readily available, along with IP addresses, host names and A, C or Pointer records. Clearly, doing this manually, especially at an enterprise scale, is not a viable option.

Automate DNS creation with AppViewX

With AppViewX, you can transform a confusing, repetitive, multistep process into an easy and scalable process:

● The user chooses the type of record creation:

o external or internal,

o server,

o zone,

o action to perform — creation or deletion of DNS records,

o A record or C Name, or both.

Based on the selected inputs, the user writes the host name, IP address, and alias name and enters forward record, reverse record, or both (in case of an A record).

● Users can perform any combination of the above actions and records with a single click. The form allows to add multiple entries, such as C Name deletion or creation of A record with forward entry, A record reverse entry deletion, and C Name creation or any combination of these.

● If the user has bulk records to create or delete at once, the automation solution provides an option to upload the inputs as Excel or CSV.

● Once the automation request is submitted, AppViewX creates corresponding resource records DNS server. If a wrong entry was created in error, you can easily reverse your action. Simply re-enter the details with action as “delete” for the changes to be reverted.

This solution works with all leading DNS servers such as Microsoft DNS server, Infoblox, CloudFare, and Bluecat.

