Let’s Encrypt Cert Creation with Infoblox Webhook for DNS Challenge

Infoblox: DDI, an acronym for DNS, DHCP, and IPAM, represents the convergence of three fundamental network services. Infoblox DDI stands as the unrivaled leader in appliance-based, fully-integrated DDI products, offering a comprehensive solution. With Infoblox DDI, you can effortlessly consolidate and centralize these critical network services across multiple branches, ensuring redundancy and guaranteeing the availability of these services. UF’s DDI offering serves as a reliable solution, addressing the ongoing demand for efficient management of these essential network services.

Let’s Encrypt: To enable HTTPS for your website, the first step is to obtain a certificate from a trusted Certificate Authority (CA). One such CA is Let’s Encrypt. In order to obtain a certificate from Let’s Encrypt for your website’s domain, you need to demonstrate control over the domain. This is achieved through the use of software that employs the ACME protocol, which typically runs on your web host. This software facilitates the verification process required by Let’s Encrypt to ensure the authenticity and security of your domain.

Problem Statement:

Managing certificate renewal, expiry, and revocation can be a complex task for administrators responsible for certificate management in AVI. However, this is where AppViewX plays a crucial role in simplifying the entire certificate lifecycle management process. With AppViewX, administrators can efficiently handle tasks such as renewal, issuance, and revocation, ensuring smooth operations and enhanced security for the certificates within AVI.

Effective certificate management is paramount for organizations that prioritize network security. Among the crucial responsibilities involved in this task, maintaining certificates in the best possible condition holds the utmost significance. Neglecting this aspect can give rise to various technical and business risks. One of the major challenges is managing certificate renewal and ensuring proper configuration, as any oversight can result in vulnerabilities and potential backdoor entry points. Moreover, it significantly amplifies the complexity of the overall certificate configuration.

At AppViewX, we deeply recognize the significance of a well-organized and optimized certificate management system. That’s why we have developed a cutting-edge master orchestrator that streamlines the entire process. With our solution, you can effortlessly consolidate all necessary information and seamlessly direct multiple systems to execute a diverse range of tasks. By leveraging our solution, you can effectively mitigate the technical and business risks associated with certificate management, streamline the auditing process, and ensure that your certificate management processes operate at peak efficiency.

How can AppViewX help?

AppViewX simplifies the process of obtaining certificates from Let’s Encrypt by performing a verification of the txt record within Infoblox for the specific domain name. Once the certificate is acquired, AppViewX efficiently manages it within our inventory, taking care of essential tasks such as expiry management, renewal, and revocation. With AppViewX, you can confidently handle the lifecycle of your certificates, ensuring their validity and security without unnecessary complexity.

What goes on behind the scenes ?

  1. The VW form will get the CSR details from the end user, and then CSR will be sent to the Let’s Encrypt CA to get the certificate.
  2. In order to get the Let’s Encrypt CA-signed certificate from the CA there will be one condition that needs to be fulfilled to get the CA-signed certificate, that is, the ‘txt record’ has to be verified with the domain which is configured in Infoblox.
  3. Once CSR has been validated by the CA, the ‘txt record’ will be verified by connecting the public-facing Infoblox device.
  4. Then, Let’s Encrypt will provide the certificate and AppViewX will download it in the inventory.
  5. The certificate lifecycle will be handled by AppViewX.
  6. The required NAT has been configured in Infoblox to make it public-facing.
  7. Problem Solves


Establishing a streamlined and efficient certificate lifecycle management process is vital. AppViewX emerges as a game-changer in this domain, offering a centralized solution that automates certificate lifecycle management processes end-to-end across hybrid and multi-cloud environments. With AppViewX, the entire certificate management process is simplified, minimizing the risks of unexpected certificate expirations, outages, and cyberattacks. Embrace the power of AppViewX today to fortify your network security and safeguard your organization’s assets.

