How to Create a Portfolio Website in 7 Steps (2024)

Neha Singh
Appy Pie — The Blog
6 min readApr 23, 2024

A portfolio website is a great way to showcase your skills, talents, and experiences to the world. Whether you’re a designer, photographer, or any other professional, a well-crafted portfolio can help you stand out and advance your career prospects. In this blog, we’ll discuss how you can create a portfolio website with Appy Pie, from initial planning to optimization and promotion. By the end, you should have all the knowledge you need to showcase your work effectively and make a lasting impression.

How to Create an Online Portfolio Website With Appy Pie?

A strong online portfolio website is essential to showcase your projects and skills to potential clients. However, making an online presence is itself a challenging task, thanks to Appy Pie’s AI, a no-code development platform that makes it easier. You can create a website with Appy Pie website builder in no time without requiring coding expertise.

Gather Information

Before you begin building your portfolio website, it’s important to have an idea of the subject. This includes selecting the projects or pieces you want to showcase, writing project descriptions, and gathering any relevant images, videos, or other media. Take the time to review and select your best work that showcases your skills and talents effectively. If you’re just starting and don’t have a lot of projects to choose from, you can include personal projects or assignments from your education or training.

Choose a Website Builder

Whether you’re a professional web developer or a beginner, it’s advisable to use an AI tool such as Appy Pie website builder to create your portfolio website. These platforms offer industry-specific templates for portfolio websites and easy-to-use tools that allow you to design and publish a professional-looking website.

Create Your Portfolio Website

Customization is a most essential part of making your portfolio website unique and reflective of your brand. Most website builders offer customization options, allowing you to add features, images, content, and other design elements.

  • Branding

Creating a unique brand identity, including a logo, is essential for a portfolio website. It sets the tone, helps you stand out, and creates a lasting impression.

  • Add Images

Ensure that the images you upload are sharp, clear, and of sufficient resolution. Blurry or pixelated images can detract from the professionalism of your portfolio.

  • Typography

Select fonts that are easy to read and align with your style. Ensure that your text is legible on all device sizes, from mobile screens to desktops.

  • Layout

Play around with the layout to ensure your projects are displayed attractively and effectively. Consider the spacing, alignment, and overall balance of your pages.

Get Your Domain

A domain name is your website’s address on the internet. While website development platforms often provide a default domain, it’s worth investing in a custom domain to look more professional and memorable. Many platforms offer custom domain services to make your portfolio website more approachable.

Get an App

After creating a visually appealing website, convert the website to an app. This is great for attracting customers who browse on their phones and letting them easily access your information or book appointments.

Get Your Business Email

A business email address that matches your domain (e.g., [email protected]) adds a further touch of professionalism. It’s easy to set up and helps you keep your personal and work emails separate. Buy a business email address that creates a more polished and trustworthy online presence.

Optimize & Promote Your Website

Once your portfolio website is live, it’s time to optimize and promote it to reach the right audiences.


Optimize your website for search engines by using relevant keywords and phrases in your content, adding alt text to images, and ensuring your site has fast loading speeds. Many website builders offer built-in SEO tools to help with this.

Social media

Share your portfolio on your social media channels and engage with relevant communities to attract potential clients or employers.


Attend industry events, join online groups and forums, and connect with people in your field. Word-of-mouth referrals are powerful, so ensure your portfolio is something people will want to share.

Paid advertising

Consider investing in online ads on social media platforms or search engines to boost your portfolio’s visibility and reach a wider audience.

Tips for Making a Portfolio

Here are some additional tips to ensure your portfolio website stands out.

Keep it updated

Regularly review and update your portfolio with new projects and achievements. This shows potential clients or employers that you’re active and engaged in your field.

Showcase your personality

Your portfolio should reflect your unique personality and style. Whether it’s through your choice of colors, layout, or tone of writing, let your individuality shine through.

Mobile Optimization

Ensure your portfolio website is mobile-friendly and responsive. Most website builders automatically optimize for mobile, but it’s always good to check how your site appears on different device sizes.


Creating a portfolio website is an exciting way to showcase your talents and skills to the world. By following the steps outlined in this guide, from gathering your content to optimizing and promoting your site, you can effectively showcase your work and make a strong impression on potential clients. Remember to keep your portfolio updated and reflective of your evolving skills and experiences. With a well-crafted portfolio website, you’ll be able to showcase your unique capabilities and open doors to new opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. How do I create a student portfolio website?

Creating a student portfolio website follows a similar process to a standard portfolio. Gather your best projects, assignments, or extracurricular achievements that showcase your skills and potential. Building a portfolio involves several steps, including gathering and selecting your best work, choosing a suitable website builder, customizing your website, get a custom domain, get an app and a business email address.

Q. How do I create a portfolio website for free?

Many website builders such as Appy Pie offer free plans that you can use to create a portfolio website. However, free plans often have limitations, such as less storage space, fewer customization options, and a non-custom domain name. To unlock more features and create a more professional-looking portfolio, you may need to upgrade to a paid plan.

Q. How can I improve my portfolio management?

To enhance your portfolio management, regularly review and update your portfolio with new projects and achievements. Ensure your portfolio is well-organized, with clear categories and tags, making it easy for potential clients to navigate. Seek feedback from peers and mentors to identify areas for improvement. Stay updated with industry trends and continue learning to expand your skill set and keep your portfolio fresh and relevant.

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Originally published at on April 23, 2024.

