Where are the Scottish Tech Podcasts

Did you know that really bright tech people actually exists outside the US!

I have really enjoyed listening to tech podcasts over the past 8 years or so and it is fair to say most are based in the US. This is not fault of the US, they decided to make the stuff so hats off to them.

Over the past two years Relay.FM has kicked off, while the main host, Myke Hurley is from the UK, and as a result feels a bit more UK-ey, it still depends on the big hitters from American tech podcasting community. (All great guests, I do not mean to be detrimental, just an observation)

Until 2015 I was stuck inside the US podcasting bubble with all their great talent, then I stumbled on a Twitter invite to watch WWDC 2015 live stream at RookieOven from AddJam. I went along and #^% me James Thomson of pcalc was there, I was just listening to him on one of those US podcasts. James is a lovely guy and a great listen on any show.

Even more amazing to me than that was the huge amount of talent in that room, easily on par with what I have been listening to. Increadibly this was just a few guys in the West of Scotland. The bubble was now burst!

  • Shout Out: to my friends at Retro Asylum, the only UK rooted podcast I listen to on a regular basis.
  • Shout Out: to my friends at PacketPushers, brilliant network industry focus podcast and more. I actually appeared on some of the early episodes :)
  • Shout Out: to MobileCouch podcast, not friends as such, but from outside the US which I listen to regularly.

Now I have been to various events in Scotland; in Dundee rubbing shoulders with the best in games development, in Edinburgh a hive of young super brights folk looking for problems to solve and full circle back to RookieOven meet-up where Michael and his team provides support for anyone who is looking for it. You don’t need to be VAT registered or anything, just a bag of bones and water with an idea.

So WWDC 2016 has been announced and I still don’t hear these guys on any podcasts … well apart from James :) So I guess it is time to kick the tyres on this one and see if we can give the world the benifit of the incredible talent we have rooted Scotland.

No promises, but watch this space.

Also feel free to get in touch, I am not hard to find.

