Enabling Digital Bharat — a journey wheeled by human needs

Nimmi Jaswal
AppyHigh Blog
Published in
4 min readAug 26, 2021

Today — whatever day you’re reading this — more than a million people will come online for the first time. A million people, increasingly from emerging markets and rural areas, where connectivity is on the rise and data costs are coming down. As covid accelerated the shift to digital across nearly every industry and facet of life, building digital confidence in these new internet users has become more important than ever. This doesn’t get easier coupled with the flood of information consumers are bombarded with, most of which they don’t even need. This has made the internet an extremely hectic, confusing and even intimidating place for many.

This right here, is the why of it all- To create a simple, decluttered, enriching digital space for everyone.

“Made in India” but “Made for the world”

These words have not just been our guiding ethos at AppyHigh, but have also established a framework of quality and success for each and every product in our ecosystem. We cracked very early on, a unique placement for our products in the Indian landscape, way before Digital India saw the light of day. More importantly we sensed the longing for an easy, uncomplicated digital experience that is built not just on transactions but on basic human needs.

Our ecosystem is built on this very foundation, which we like to call the Digital Hierarchy of Needs. By putting human needs at the heart of what we do, we believe we can safeguard innovation for generations to come.

We understand that in order to win big, we have to take bigger risks and seek better answers to the big questions that matter to everyone. Hence our focus has not been just on finding the right solutions but on finding the right problems to solve.

  1. Simplifying digital lives


The future of digital space looks cramped up with over a million (and rapidly rising) apps available across gaming to fitness, travel to dining, and everything in-between. The issue now is not whether there’s an app for that, but how to find the right app for a particular need. After nearly a decade of fragmentation and unbundling of services in their lives — consumers are starting to revert towards rebundling. The concept of superapps was born on the very premise of eliminating the switching fuss and reducing discovery times. Also the prominent need for easy to use utility tools makes it a viable proposition for today’s builders.

Hence to solve the biggest first-world problem of accessibility and discovery in this cluttered digital world, we built an array of utilitarian products. Apps that perform simple yet significant daily functions like taking a multi-page document scan, sharing files and images, managing and tracking our social media presence and so much more. Because the internet has no user’s manual and making quality technology truly simple and accessible to all can unleash humanity’s real potential.

Our mission is to enable people to carry out everyday digital tasks with minimum hassle. We believe that people suffer with enough burn-outs and tardiness in the real world as it is, the least we can do is to make their journey and experiences in the digital world friction-less and delightful.

2. Connecting hearts and engaging minds


Feeling lonely and disconnected in the most connected time in the history of the world is not just oxymoronic but also a major factor for unhappiness in today’s world. Making a genuine and lasting connection is not something many get to enjoy. With more and more moats to hook us on, our attention spans have reduced and so have our quality of consumption and engagement.

Cutting through noise to garner meaningful and worthy engagement is the second problem that we are aiming to solve with our line of curated content and engagement apps.

3. Backing big, bold bets


The top-most layer is designed to elevate the creator community- the first movers, the active engagers, the trend setters. These service apps equip all creators- the quintessential kinds, the underdogs, the rogue dreamers to experiment and dare to go beyond. With a suite of features to create quality content easily, platforms for collaboration and tools to track performance — we help unlock brilliance and fan the flames of creativity.

Quoting Eleanor Roosevelt “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams ”. We at AppyHigh want to enable, mold and empower that future. We know it’s not easy but we are drilling through the hard-boards and working towards that reality, one app at a time.



Nimmi Jaswal
AppyHigh Blog

Business Head @AppyHigh Tech. Passionate about molding interesting ideas into stellar products and eventually into scalable businesses.