Hello New York!

Apria G. Speaks Life
3 min readJul 17, 2015

It’s been 3 years since I’ve blogged about my life. I’ve been writing a little here and there but now I’m ready to get back in the blogging world. Blogging has been an incredible outlet for me to express myself on some many levels I could scream. When your family doesn’t understand you, you can blog. When you broke up with your boyfriend because he was a “Negative Nancy” with a bad attitude, broken mentality, and mother woes; you can blog about it. Or, when you’re going out to explore a new career to advance yourself but you have your doubts, you blog about it.

Enough about my side woes — I’ll save those stories for another time. I’m in New York sitting in the lobby of the Residence Inn Hotel in New York, New York. This is my third coming to New York. The first time I came New York I was site seeing with my family (that was a long car ride). That was about 5 years ago. I’m 24 now with a lot more traveling experience under my belt. I’ve always seen New York in movies, T.V. shows, and read about the “City that never sleeps” in novels. Honestly, I enjoy Washington D.C. better. I’m a born Washingtonian that lives in Maryland with a passion to travel. I love seeing the world in different views, cultures, and people.

New York is truly a busy place where everyone is in a hurry to go somewhere. Taxi cabs of all colors, shapes, size, and drivers from various backgrounds. While sitting in the small polished lobby in the Residence Inn I sat in a comfortable deep brown corporate reception chair stationed next to the large crisp and clean wall-to-wall windows. New Yorkers of all shapes, sizes, and cultures briskly walked passed the window. It’s like they have tunnel vision, a fetish for holding bags from expensive stores, and passion for fashion. I was a bit shocked to see New Yorker gentlemen carrying purses or a “man bag” as they would describe it in the fashion world. In D.C. men aren’t into the “man bag” they’re more into the traditional briefcases.

Tourists coming from all countries are walking up and down the streets with their colorful luggage, men are working blue collar jobs on every corner (which is great to see), and the coffee shops are packed like the Howard Theater during Birthday Bash. My deep brown almond-shaped Chinese eyes glazed outside the wall-to-wall windows to observe the New Yorkers rush by. I realized that each New Yorker has a signature stroll. In the Greek World (I’m in a sorority by the way) we have strolls. Strolls are when members from an organization dance in unison in a line. That’s not the stroll I mean. I’ve been watching New Yorkers walk by for almost 3 hours it’s truly interesting to seeing them. I’ve realized there’s three signature strolls in New York:

  1. The Business Man/Woman:
    They are talking with their colleagues wearing either business suites or collar shirts and slacks walking at a medium pace to prevent them from running out of breath from speaking.
  2. Social Networker
    They are connected to their phones, chatting with friends, texting and walking at the same time, and looking down a lot. One middle-aged African-American gentleman was talking on his cell phone then his tripped on the sidewalk. He quickly caught himself before he felt head first into the clean sidewalk free from gum. Normally they are distracted by the social media sites to walk upright. The business men/women normal walk around them.
  3. Family Friend
    They are walking with family/friends talking about their next adventure, next place to shop, sites to visit next, or taking it easy. They are walking medium to large groups with suitcases, rolling luggage, and pushing strollers. They are easy going with a small brisk walk.

Again, these are only reflecting my experience. I’m not making fun, or coming for anyone. We’ll see how everything progresses as I continue my visit. Until then. Enjoy!

