Top 5 Things I’ve Learned in 24 Hours about New York

Apria G. Speaks Life
1 min readJul 17, 2015
  1. Everyone is busy. Doing what? Who knows? I definitely have a new found respect for the DMV Area.
  2. Time Square is extremely bright, loud, and congested with traffic. If you’re not careful taxis will get close to hitting you.
  3. Free-WiFi will save your life! Not every hotel, coffee shop, or store will have free WiFi but when you do have it, it’ll save your life. I was getting extremely lost coming here to the hotel. Thank God for WiFi and Facebook.
  4. Pizza, Pizza, Pizza. There’s so many pizza places on every corner, food truck and street. Being a loyal pizza lover myself I’m grateful to see a pizza ambassador on every corner. I definitely have to try it.
  5. Small Sidewalks. The sidewalks are extremely small.

