13/select the flow.

alessandro pirani
Published in
1 min readApr 13, 2018

It’s all a matter of training. In photography, to learn to shoot good pics you need to just do it again and again. This must not be confused with the idea of having a purpose, or a project in mind. Practice will show you the path to succeed in what you’re doing. In cooking as well, when it comes to make it with what you have, say, in the fridge, it’s all about training. Try, fail, do, start again. What I learnt so far in this attempt to train is an obvious fact: you need to be focused, otherwise you won’t be able to understand what’s bettering or worsening, and in general you won’t dive into the flow of practice.

To do so, some tips I am trying to follow are 1) choosing one channel to express ideas 2) taking mental notes, this is a bit weird for it asks to save some mind-space, but definitely worth the effort 3) using time boxes as devices to address creativity, that is: knowing that something will be said today, albeit the ‘what’ won’t be clear until we think it. And finally, 4) train to see the flow we’re into, selecting amongst thousands of possible ones surrounding us. This has to do with the concept of nowness, which apparently is rising as a distinctive concept for me.



alessandro pirani

Planner. Into commons, public policy and organization theory.