14/triadic constraints.

alessandro pirani
Published in
1 min readApr 16, 2018

Saturday I was invited to give a speech at a conference. Topic was: mountain and its future. We were in a not-so-remote, yet quite ‘inner’ area, and I was the last — just before a member of the national parliament. Very few of the keynote speakers pointed what’s for me a real core in the discourse on mountain, or maybe it was just taken for granted: in mountain more than in other environments the traditional dichotomy between structure and culture — when it comes to understand organisational phenomena — becomes triadic with the overbearing entry of nature. That means that no solution can be thought outside that realm, where — again — rationality is more bounded than in flatlands. In flatlands natures bursts as an exception, earthquakes, floods, etc. In the mountain you have to learn to climb to survive. Every given day.



alessandro pirani

Planner. Into commons, public policy and organization theory.