21/paleo influences.

alessandro pirani
Published in
1 min readApr 23, 2018

Last friday I’ve been facilitating a workshop somewhere down in the middle of nowhere. One of the participants came to my attention while interacting with ease during the reception. He was runningwise dressed, wearing trail shoes, trekking pants a tech-like sweater. More, he had this long beard telling me ‘I am a proud mountain lover and I do have got something to share with you’. I approached hime shaking his hand, and in two minutes we were chatting about local trail scene and stuff. As usual, in a relentless sloping plane, discourse slipped to food issues: how do you eat?

He started talking me of the importance of proteins in our daily diet. Idea is — he told me — you need long lasting force to overcome your daily tasks, and these are the only real source, from a nutritional point of view. Chatting restarted while having lunch: one of the courses was an awesome roasted rabbit, and that was a perfect performative scenario for deepen the argument. Long story short, I was fascinated by this guy, and the paleo storytelling turned quickly from bullshit to cool. This teaches me at least two lessons: power of persuasion needs embodiment to work (walk the talk); curious people are the perfect victim for preachers.

However, I decided: may will be the paleo month. A 30 days test.



alessandro pirani

Planner. Into commons, public policy and organization theory.