
alessandro pirani
Published in
1 min readApr 4, 2018

I have two main concerns, these days. First: quitting almost everything and reshaping myself into a brand new human. Second: learning german, don’t ask me why.

Starting from the latter, I went back to Duolingo, whose interface and engagement logic is amazingly effective in forcing you to believe you want to achieve something. Likewise, pretty much what happens with Results (by Runtastic), this awesome training app that made me understand the importance of strengthening the core stability. Of course, I was able to follow the rhythm for two months, circa. And then I gave up.

The first: want to start a new consulting venture, renting an office in my hometown. I’ve got everything: confused ideas, the will of being far from where the REAL life goes on, a huge self esteem. What’s missing is a proper business plan. Will work on it someday.



alessandro pirani

Planner. Into commons, public policy and organization theory.