
alessandro pirani
Published in
1 min readApr 10, 2018

I gave the last of four lectures in a high school with a bunch of (mostly female) 16 or so years old students. Title of the lecture was: “how to become rich solving world’s problem”. Inspiration came from some early readings like “Solution economy”, a pioneering book by Deloitte’s William Egger. Main idea of the book (dating some 2013 or so) is that economy is shaping as a solution-solving playground, where the goal is to match the action of the ‘wavemakers’ and technology with a proper and working ‘business model’. That is, picking a need, solving it and making money from that.

Now this may sound a bit trivial or an easy shortcut to understand social innovation, but anyway. It’s a good starting point to get into the idea of rolling up the sleeves and do something good for society when it comes to talk to growing citizens whose destiny is often trapped between a comfort zone perspective and an inaction dead-end road. Growing up a new generation of wavemakers could be a pillar for the agenda.



alessandro pirani

Planner. Into commons, public policy and organization theory.