My Pen Name Won a Bonus and the Real Me is Green With Envy

What has she got that I haven’t?

Rosalind Pagan
Apropos of Something


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Whoop, whoop — bonus time!

I was thrilled to see those lovely words and numbers on my pen name profile — thanks to “high member engagement.” Saucy.

I’d received an early June bonus of $100. Not the highest bonus possible but very welcome nonetheless. I have bills, they’re multiplying.

And then I checked my main profile — this one. I can’t complain, I receive two payments from Medium every month, but I was disappointed when there was not a similar bonus on this account.

Do I need to try harder? What’s the magic element my pen name account has that my actual name hasn’t mastered yet?

Are you similarly questioning what about me? If you’re racking your brains for the bonus formula, you need to know that I didn’t publish anything on my pen profile after March 2021 but one of my evergreen pieces must have piqued some interest and gained me a couple of thousand reads out of the blue in May.

The bonus is not dependent on you slavishly commenting and replying to comments on your own or other’s work.

Engagement seems to be a broad term for lots of readership on your work without you having to do very much except show up and…

