Self Study vs Coaching for competitive exams

How to choose which is right for you?

3 min readMar 14, 2020


Photo by Alexis Brown on Unsplash

A typical scenario, at least amongst the engineering students in India.

I was thinking of studying on my own. But my friend has joined “this” coaching and is asking me to join as well. Now, what do I do?


One important thing to keep in mind is that each student takes a different route to their destination, and each path has its pros and cons. You should choose the way which you can traverse easily.

At the end of the day, it is you who has to traverse the route and face the challenges. It is an individual decision.

From a boarder perspective, there are three routes you can take

  • Self-preparation
  • Classroom Coaching
  • Online Courses

Self-preparation for Exams

It is certainly possible to get a top rank in competitive exams with self-preparation. The key is to remain motivated throughout your preparation and create a positive environment around you. Avoid distraction and eliminate the things which create a negative environment.

  • Pros: You can learn at your own pace
  • Key Challenge: To remain motivated

Make friends with people who are studying for exams, and keep in touch with them. Also, get your resources (Books, Material, etc.) early. Find out good books/materials for understanding concepts, practising questions + last year papers.


Coaching is like software

  • it aids you
  • it helps you

But in the end, you have to put in the required effort. ​

Classroom Coaching

Classroom coaching creates an environment of students studying around you. Here, the key is to select a good coaching institute. There are quite a lot of offline coaching institutes, and selecting the best depends on where you stay as well.

  • Pros: Face to face assistance from faculties
  • Key Challenge: Pace of learning depends on the coaching centre

Save on travel time, and select a coaching centre near to you. Or if you find a right coaching centre, try to stay nearby. You can save these precious hours of travelling and use it for studying.

Check the review of the coaching institute near you, not as a whole. Sometimes, the coaching centre will perform well in one city and not so in the other centre. Talk to the students from the specific coaching centre.

Online courses

Online courses are becoming popular now. It gives you the flexibility to study at your convenience, and at your own pace.

If you feel you need assistance in learning, and at the same time you want flexibilities like studying at your own pace, you should consider online courses. It also helps people in remote places where there is a lack of classroom coaching institutes.

  • Pros: Assistance + Flexibility of studying at your own pace
  • Key Challenge: To remain motivated

Here also similar to self-preparation, the key is to stay motivated throughout your GATE preparation and create a positive environment around you. You can always check back the concepts you are not able to understand, whereas, in offline classroom coaching, this is not possible.

Whichever you choose, start your preparation early and manage your time effectively.

“The secret of getting ahead is getting started” — Mark Twain

Originally published at



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