Introducing Apteo

Building AI Solutions For Financial Markets

Shanif Dhanani
4 min readMar 30, 2018

Technology is bringing about change in every industry. New techniques in AI and machine learning are creating more advanced capabilities in software, allowing for things that have never been done before.

As we’ve seen these techniques evolve, we’ve also seen there are still many areas where people are performing tasks that can be augmented or improved with the help of intelligent software. We believe that investing, especially fundamental investing, is one such area. In fact we believe it so much that we started a company to make it happen.

In the rest of this post, we’ll give a brief introduction to what we’re working on and why we’re working on it. Our hope is that once you finish reading it, you’ll have a better idea of what our vision is, what we’re building, and why we think it will make an impact.

So let’s get started.

Who We Are

Apteo was born from the belief that investing is an important part of financial stability. The right investments can be a great way for people to grow their savings and generate a financial cushion that can help them feel safe about taking the right risks in their lives.

But investing isn’t always easy.

It can be emotional. It can be costly. It can be confusing. Humans can be biased when we make investments, or we may not be able to see or analyze all of the information we need to make an informed decision.

When we thought about these problems, we realized that a natural approach to addressing them would be to use AI, which is great at pattern-detection and optimizing for well-defined objectives.

Until recently, though, the ability to use AI for investing had been fairly limited. It was only able to take on a small percentage of the tasks that are needed for effective fundamental stock analysis.

However, with the evolution of new machine learning techniques like deep learning, and even reinforcement learning, and their ability to take in and make sense of large amounts of data, we now have the ability to begin to intelligently automate and scale some of the processes that go into fundamental stock analysis. Our mission at Apteo is to do just that, while also providing better performance, lower fees, wider access, and more transparency to investors along the way.

We’re a team of curious data scientists, engineers, financial analysts, and investment managers that all believe data-driven approaches have a bright future in the world of investing. We see an industry in which humans and machines work together to supplement each other’s strengths in order to bring the best possible investing opportunities to everyone.

What We’re Working On

As we mentioned, we think that AI has gotten to a point where we can leverage it for some fundamental analysis tasks, and that’s where we’re focusing.

Specifically, at the core of our technology, we’re building software that can learn how stock prices move as a function of qualitative and quantitative financial data. To do this, we’re using deep networks to process how the combination of information found in textual documents like financial articles, analyst opinions, and company announcements, along with more traditional quantitative data (everything from a company’s debt to the exchange rates of various currencies) results in the growth or decline of an investment in a stock.

Additionally, we’re researching how we can best use the forecasts made by our network to optimally enter and exit positions in stocks (and hopefully in the near future, stock options as well). In order to do so, we’re training reinforcement learning agents on how to optimally use our company predictions in conjunction with buying and selling stocks in a way that maximizes value.

Going Forward

Ultimately, we hope to develop AI software that can make the best investment decisions in any situation, while also progressing the development of AI techniques, both for finance, and in general. We’ve built a lot to get to where we are now, everything from technical infrastructure to analytical processes to financial investment strategies.

But there’s a lot more to go, and we’re going to need passionate, curious, and smart people to help.

If any of this sounds interesting to you, or you’d like to learn more, please reach out to us at We love talking about this stuff and finding people that are just as passionate about AI and finance as we are.



Shanif Dhanani

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