Testing Curated Chronicles : 2017 Edition 01

Kalilur Rahman
Published in
2 min readJan 21, 2017

Following are some of the brilliant curated posts of testing that I find interesting.

  1. Good List of Testing Leaders to follow on Twitter — A brilliant collection of testing leaders (especially automation) to follow to get brilliant insights on Test Automation and testing in general
  2. How can you develop a high quality mobile app’s quality and testing strategy? Nice read.
  3. A Nice take on API Automation testing. What is your favorite tool and why?
  4. Perennial dilemma of Testing Leads — How to choose what tests to automate? A Nice take indeed
  5. Big Data Testing — Brilliant collection of resources for data science and an inkling to think on how to test them!
  6. Are you testing Internet Of Things, Edge Computing, Robotics etc? A Funny take on what can go wrong on #IoT and #AI influenced world! Brilliant Cartoon!
  7. Brilliant article on #Testing and future of testers, TCoEs in the wake of digital disruption. As the technology goes from strength to strength.
  8. The Great A.I. Awakening . Very good article covering successful use of AI and deep learning. The Great A.I. Awakening .Very good article covering successful use of AI and deep learning. How would you test AI systems?
  9. Testing eBook : eBook: Big Data, Analytics, and the Future of Marketing & Sales
  10. A very good compilation of testing tools — A Must Read from Gallop.net
  11. Another comparison study about test automation tools — By Gartner and
    A Nice article on comparison by Forrester.
  12. Google Online Security Blog:Project Wycheproof Small mountain but a giant leap for security testing
  13. Testing 4.0 — The Next Generation of Quality Nice Read!
  14. Three Digestible Diagrams to Describe Exploratory Testing — Nice reference.
  15. Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture #testing — Very relevant for current needs
  16. How Testing has evolved from a traditional to modern age? A Nice infographic comparing the two tester generations
  17. Testing for One defect can cost (b/m)illions. Right focus needed. Why Teams Need to Make Testing a Priority ?
  18. How Google mitigates flaky tests with efficient automation! ?
  19. Read one of the best articles on Exploratory Testing!
  20. A very ood summary on Software Testing World cup! Part-1 and Part-2

Hope you liked this first edition of favourite testing posts. More to come in the near future!

