Aptos Incentivized Testnet Update

Aptos Labs
Published in
4 min readMay 4, 2022

Two weeks have passed since we first shared our plans for our incentivized testnets. We are happy to share several exciting updates around eligibility requirements, selection process, expected participation slots, success criteria and rewards.

Before jumping into the details, we want to share some of our principles and goals of the Aptos Incentivized Testnet (AIT) process:

  • Establish and promote the operator behavior that will lead to a successful Aptos Mainnet
  • Emphasize the decentralized nature of the network
  • Help foster an ecosystem for potential validator and fullnode operators
  • Fairness and transparency in the selection process, success criteria, as well as the networks successes and failures

To those points above, we recognize that our timeline between the AIT1 registration and launch of the network places participants in a non-ideal position. This came to light as we explored the registration process, eligibility requirements, and startup time. To foster a fairer experience for all, we have adjusted the timeline for AIT1:

  • May 13th — Registration date remains the same
  • May 19th — The last day for registration
  • May 23rd — Notification of acceptance
  • May 24th — Beginning of AIT1

Eligibility Requirements and Registration

In order to participate in the incentivized testnet, participants must demonstrate the ability to configure and deploy a node as well as provide certain identifying information (name, residence or domicile, date of birth, etc.) and pass sanctions screening. On May 13th, we will launch a web portal that contains a registration page, instructions on how to configure and deploy your node, and node and registration status pages. Our registration site will validate that you have successfully prepared your node. At which point, you will be able to submit certain identifying information for verification and screening purposes. Upon successful completion of these tasks, you will be designated as “AIT Eligible”. The screening processes are usually fast but in some cases can take time to complete.

Due to regulatory considerations within the US, US participants are able to participate but will be ineligible for token-based rewards. We are actively exploring the possibility of giving other non-token forms of rewards for successful participants based in the US, but there’s no guarantee that any such rewards will be available to US participants.

Any rewards in connection with the incentivized testnet will be provided only following successful mainnet launch and any tokens provided will be subject to a one-year lockup period.

Selection Process

To be selected, you must first pass all the eligibility requirements. Beyond that we will be considering several other aspects including geographical distribution and applicant reputation. As part of the registration process, applicants will be required to specify the region in which they intend to deploy their node to ensure geographical distribution of validators. Participants that have failed in previous rounds or have exhibited dishonest behavior will be ineligible for future rounds. There will also be consideration toward applicant reputation as a node operator. Ultimately we are looking to enable general participation that helps solidify the launching of this network.

Participants, Success, and Rewards

AIT1: Decentralized Startup

  • Number of participants: 100
  • Success criteria
    – Successfully startup node and pass liveness checks within 24 hours
    – Availability more than 95% of all time
  • Reward (non-US participants only): 500 Aptos tokens per successful participant

AIT2: Staking

  • Number of participants: 100–500 nodes
  • Success criteria
    – Successfully startup node and pass liveness checks within 24 hours
    – Availability more than 97% of all time
    – Within the top 75% of consensus participants (consensus votes)
  • Rewards (non-US participants only):
    – Top 3 voter nodes get 5000, 2500, and 1000 Aptos tokens, respectively
    – 500 Aptos tokens per successful participant

AIT3: Governance and upgrades

  • Number of participants: 1000
  • Success criteria
    – Successfully startup node and pass liveness checks within 12 hours of nodes start time
    – Availability more than 97% of all time
    – Successfully participate in a standard network upgrade, 2 day response time
    – Successfully participate in a hotfix network upgrade, 12 hour response time
    – Within the top 75% of consensus participants (consensus votes)
  • Rewards (non-US participants only):
    – Top 3 voter nodes get 5000, 2500, and 1000 Aptos tokens, respectively
    – 500 Aptos tokens per successful participant

AIT4: Dynamic validator topology

  • Number of participants: 1000+
  • Success criteria
    – Successfully startup node and pass liveness checks within 12 hours of nodes start time
    – The rest of the criteria is still being decided
  • Reward (non-US participants only): 500 Aptos tokens per successful participant, additional rewards under consideration

Liveness checks are defined as your validator’s nodes ability to:

  • Push metrics to Aptos telemetry
  • Metrics port reporting metrics
  • Connected to the official Aptos’ validator node
  • Participating in consensus

Availability is defined as your validator node:

  • Makes a proposal at least once per hour
  • Is connected to the official Aptos’ validator node

What’s Next

We will post an announcement when the registration website launches on May 13th. In the meantime, star us on GitHub, follow us on Twitter, and join us on Discord to follow along!



Aptos Labs

Aptos Labs is a premier Web3 studio of engineers, researchers, strategists, designers, and dreamers building on Aptos, the Layer 1 blockchain.