Graffio: Web3’s Overnight Sensation

605k unique wallet addresses. 1.3M transactions. Aptos Labs’ first social app went viral in under 24 hours across 173 countries. Read more.

Aptos Labs
4 min readOct 23, 2023


We expect our interactions to move at the speed of light, so it’s difficult to stand out and make a mark with Web3 in its infancy. Yet, Graffio, Aptos Labs’ first decentralized social application, managed to break barriers and shake the crypto community in under 24 hours across 173 countries.

User activity on Graffio over the span of just 24 hours.

Graffio was launched to celebrate Aptos One (Aptos network’s one-year anniversary of Mainnet) as a true representation of decentralization and community celebration. The Aptos ecosystem and beyond were invited to collaborate, in real-time and across borders, to bring one blank canvas to life. Within minutes, the initiative went viral — inviting anyone and everyone to be an artist.

Aptos Labs created Graffio to truly redefine what collective creativity in Web3 can do powered by technology like the Aptos blockchain. Born from a burst of creativity at an Aptos Labs hackathon, Graffio embodies the community-first concepts of co-creating digital art and prioritizing creators’ values. The on-chain canvas is a true expression of creativity, with input from artists all over the world. A globally available graffiti canvas.

Let’s break down the overnight success story.

The Numbers Don’t Lie

In the world of decentralized applications, it’s not just about creating; it’s about participating, collaborating, and making an impact. Graffio’s stats are mind-boggling:

  • 605k Unique Wallet Addresses: Shows the diverse participation from users across the globe.
  • 29k Dedicated Graffio Wallet Addresses, where users could collaborate without paying gas fees
  • 331k New Users on Reflects the platform’s magnetic pull for artists and enthusiasts.
  • 1.8M Page Views on Demonstrates user engagement and intrigue.
  • 1.3M Transactions with the Contract
  • 0.00089 APT average transaction gas fee — allowing people to draw 100–150 pixels

An Active Ecosystem

Capturing consumer attention is no easy feat. Not only did Graffio grab eyes, it brought people into the entire Aptos ecosystem.

Changes in Aptos Names user activity and usage via Graffio.

ANS, Aptos Name Service, saw an unprecedented cascade effect on usage:

  • ~900/day NEW name registrations
  • 50% of new name registrants were new users
  • ~1.1K/day name renewals
Changes in Petra user activity and usage via Graffio.

Petra, the wallet from Aptos Labs saw usage increases as well:

  • 69K+ new users
  • 20x daily active users

Painting a Bigger Picture

One of the most incredible achievements? A whopping 73,461,803 pixels were drawn on a canvas that’s just 1000 x 1000! Imagine thousands of artists from every corner of the planet collaborating, creating, and illustrating their visions, simultaneously. This isn’t just about art; it’s about community, unity, and breaking boundaries.

This was only possible because of the ease of use of the product. Artists and art-curious alike who have never interacted in Web3 before created seamlessly on Graffio — completely lowering the barrier to entry for artists to benefit from this decentralized platform.

Speed — The Aptos Way

The market is dense with applications vying for attention. However, Graffio wasn’t just any app; it was an app brought to the limelight faster than any competitor because of the team behind the project. Aptos Labs is known for its speed in shipping products to market, powered by the fastest TTF (time-to-finality) blockchain, Aptos.

Continuing to Push Boundaries

Graffio isn’t merely a success story; it’s a testament to the power of decentralization, collaboration and vision. Thousands of artists, millions of interactions, and an unforgettable masterpiece created in under 24 hours. This is the new face of art, of community, and of the decentralized world. If you haven’t yet, dive into this mesmerizing canvas at and be a part of the revolution.

Not only was this an overnight success — but it’s the ultimate case study in Web3 longevity. Loyalty, community groups, social channels, artist incentives are all possible with a project like Graffio built on technology like Aptos.

Where will we take Graffio next? Stay tuned and follow us on X, @AptosLabs.



Aptos Labs

Aptos Labs is a premier Web3 studio of engineers, researchers, strategists, designers, and dreamers building on Aptos, the Layer 1 blockchain.