The launch of Aptos Names Service (ANS) on Mainnet

Aptos Labs
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2022

We’re excited to officially introduce the Aptos Names Service (ANS). We’re paving the way by building a best-in-class blockchain experience with Aptos, which is why we’re launching with a name service on day 1.

ANS allows all Aptos users now to use a human-readable .apt name for their Aptos wallet address instead of their public key.

We see Aptos names as a critical step towards broad user adoption of the Aptos blockchain and to help ensure Aptos applications are friendlier and more accessible. ANS provides improved network tooling for all applications on Aptos’ blockchain and will offer numerous ecosystem integrations.

Benefits and Features of ANS

Better user experience — ANS offers streamlined onboarding through human-readable .apt addresses. Better yet, Aptos names make sending and receiving funds significantly easier and less complicated, while also reducing the likelihood of fraud and human error.

Unique web3 Identity — we see Aptos names as people’s identity in web3. When users interact with Aptos applications, we want to give them a way to represent themselves in a unique and recognizable way.

Target addresses and subdomains — users can set target addresses for their Aptos names. Plus, anyone who owns an Aptos name can also add a subdomain.

Using your name — your name can be used in Aptos wallets from day 1, to easily send and receive transactions

How to Get your Aptos Name

The Aptos Labs team has been very mindful in how we launch ANS to ensure Aptos names end up in the hands of real users and projects that intend to use the names fairly and equitably.

ANS supports names that are 3+ characters, and Latin characters, numbers and hyphens are supported. To start, ANS enables registering names for a 1 year rental period to ensure an equal opportunity for people to register for names and to encourage active use by owners. Over time, we will enable longer rental periods, and we will also enable users to renew their registration before the 1 year period ends.

Take the following steps to get your Aptos name and set it up:

  1. Log into your Aptos wallet (download an Aptos wallet here if you don’t have one)
  2. Search for an Aptos name
  3. Click on “Register” to buy the name
  4. Approve the transaction
  5. Go to “My Domains”
  6. Go to “Settings”
  7. Update the New Target Address and click “Update”

What’s Next

Now that we have officially launched ANS, there is still so much to come! ANS is backed by the team at Aptos Labs, where our engineers, researchers, and designers are working to build ANS into the most robust and easy-to-use naming service.

The funds from ANS will be used to grow the Aptos ecosystem through grants and other initiatives.

Thank you for your continued support as we take critical steps toward achieving broad user adoption in a safe and scalable way.



Aptos Labs

Aptos Labs is a premier Web3 studio of engineers, researchers, strategists, designers, and dreamers building on Aptos, the Layer 1 blockchain.