Arcane Library Warriors — The most powerful warriors in DEFI are here



Rumors on Decentraland are that the most mythical and powerful warriors have started their journey from the Cryptoverse into the APWARS villages. Oh my, and how powerful beings they are, these Arcane Units!

You can think of them as the magical beings who have lived soooo long that they have collected all the wisdom in the world and are now able to prepare magical potions, have dedicated spells that can increase the strength of your troops! These Magical Arcane Units are always willing to help you win the wars by giving you extra powers and abilities.

However, since they have been here for so long, they will only help the warriors who really commit to saving the villages from the attacks of the opposite factions. In other words, you will need to have Tier 2 (Armory) units combined (Humans: wCROSSBOW-MAN; wARMORED-WARRIOR; Orcs: wPIKE-ORC-wARMORED-GRUNT) to be able to foster and collect the Arcane units.

Diving into some game strategy, since each Arcane Unit can increase the number/power of troops by 0.1%, if you farm or buy 100 of these, you will have an army that is 10% more strong than the actual physical army you have collected. Now, imagine if you farm 1000 Arcane — yes, that’s it, 2x the power of your army, meaning you will win 2x the wGOLD / wCOURAGE than you would if you had no Arcane.

Of course, the Arcane Units can also save themselves from dying, thanks to their magical powers, as long as you go to war with the Arcane's Book — lets not forget the Arcane Wizards are old, and their memories about the spells are not what they used to be. Get one Arcane Library Book NFT from the Black Market now:

