APX Market Making Program Requirements

APX Finance
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2023

Date of adjustment: 2 July 2024

Adjustment details:Newly added trading criteria for BLASTUSDT as per the following:

Products Covered: All Futures Contracts traded on APX

Quoting Qualification Details

In order to qualify for a particular pair in a day, participants must satisfy below conditions (0:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC)

Note: If a pair’s [Qualifying Percentage] < 70%, then this pair will not be qualified for favored fees on the next day. Favored fees will only be awarded to participants qualified pairs.

[Qualifying Percentage]

In order to qualify for a particular pair in a day, participants must satisfy the following conditions simultaneously at least 70% of the day (0:00 UTC to 23:59 UTC) :

  • Total Bids shown > Cumulative Minimum Size;
  • Total Offers shown > Cumulative Minimum Size;
  • Orders must be outstanding in the order book for at least 0.5 seconds;
  • The Bid/Offer spread is calculated as( [Offer price at Minimum Size] — [Bid price at Minimum Size]) / { ([Offer price at Minimum Size] + [Bid price at Minimum Size]) /2 } < [Required Bid/Offer spread].

Program Incentives

  • Maker Fees:

— Qualifying Pairs: Maker fee rebate of 1bps

— Non-qualifying Pairs: Standard maker fee of 2bps

  • Taker Fees:

— Qualifying Pairs: Favored fee of 3bps

— Non-qualifying Pairs: Standard fee of 7bps

