APX【Proposal-24】to adjust the amount of rewards for APX-BNB LP staking has passed

APX (formerly ApolloX)
APX Finance
Published in
1 min readDec 26, 2023

Dear APX users,

The proposal created on 22th December 2023 on Snapshot to adjust the amount of rewards for APX-BNB LP staking has passed. The details of the vote are as follows:

  • The proposal passed with 6,496,191.42 voting power for Option 1.
  • A separate announcement will be published regarding when the new reward pool amounts will take effect.
  • After the adjustment, APX-BNB LP staking is 0.4 APX per block reward.
  • The reduced amount will not be released into the token’s circulating supply.

More details about APX DAO can be found in Governance.

Thank you for your support!

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APX-BNB LP质押奖励调整【提案-24】通过


2023年12月22日在Snapshot发起的关于【提案-24】 APX平台调整APX-BNB LP质押奖励的提案已投票通过,以下是本次投票详情:

  • 最终以6,496,191.42Power值投票通过选项一的调整内容。
  • 关于新的活动奖励池何时生效我们会另发公告。
  • 调整后质押APX-BNB LP 赚取APX奖励为每个区块奖励0.4 枚APX。
  • 减产部分将不再进行释放。

关于APX DAO更多细节可以查阅Governance



