【Proposal-24】 Adjust the amount of rewards for APX-BNB LP staking

APX (formerly ApolloX)
APX Finance
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2023

Dear APX Users,

APX platform will start the voting round for its twenty-fourth core proposal. We welcome all users to join our official APX Discord Forum to engage in discussions and to cast your vote through Snapshot.

Proposal details:

Proposer: APX DAO Administrator

Quorum vote requirement: Total power value reaching 5 million votes

Voting time: 3 days

Voting link: https://snapshot.org/#/apolloxdao.eth/proposal/0x84436111f1d0d783fd35258fa0c9aeb1661be34d76a7d66490a3fb70988debcc

Proposal content:

Dear APX users,

APX platform will reduce the amount of APX rewards for APX-BNB LP staking. The reduced amount will not be released into the token’s circulating supply. APX platform plans to reduce the APX-BNB LP Staking Rewards from 0.7 APX per block to 0.4 APX per block. After the vote is passed, the new trading rewards rules will take effect. Users may vote whether or not to adjust the rewards for APX-BNB LP staking.

Option 1: Yes

Option 2: No

More details about APX DAO can be found in Governance.

Thank you for your support!

Risk Warning: Crypto futures trading carries a substantial risk. All trading activities are done at your discretion and at your own risk. The information here should not be regarded as financial or investment advice from APX. APX platform will not be liable for any loss that might arise from your use of APX platform.

【提案-24】 APX平台调整APX-BNB LP质押奖励的提案


APX平台 将开启第二十四次核心提案的投票,欢迎用户加入APX Discord官方论坛讨论,并进入Snapshot投出您的一票!


提案人:ApolloX DAO管理员



投票链接: https://snapshot.org/#/apolloxdao.eth/proposal/0x84436111f1d0d783fd35258fa0c9aeb1661be34d76a7d66490a3fb70988debcc



APX将减少平台活动奖励额度,减少部分的APX将不继续进行释放。本次具体减少的额度由用户投票决定。APX计划将将质押APX-BNB LP的奖励从每个区块0.7个APX调整为每个区块0.4个APX。投票通过后,新的交易奖励规则将生效。用户可以选择同意或不同意减少平台活动的奖励。



关于APX DAO更多细节可以查阅Governance



