How to stay fit as a founder?

APX Voices
Published in
4 min readNov 8, 2018

This article could simply be a general, advice piece on “How to stay fit?” for every working person. So, why do founders need a special guide? On average, startup founders often work 80 hours per week, which makes this group extremely affected by lack of physical activity. Due to the mental pressure of trying to build a company as well as raising awareness and funding, there can be a detrimental impact on their psychic health too.

Bad posture, long working hours — the hell for body and brain.

The startup life can sometimes have a negative impact on a founder’s health and social life. A study by VGF ventures shows this issue becomes worse over time. Take a minute and test yourself: are you physically active enough? The absolute minimum is 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. Do you experience low condition after walking? Do you feel muscle soreness after every workout? Maybe it’s time for you to rethink your working habits.

Many working people underestimate the effect of physical activity. Even though there is a link between aerobic fitness and cognitive preservation. Many companies are already aware that physical exercise not only reduces sick leave but also leads to the potential of the employees developing. Physical activity does not only improve concentration but also boost your memory and — according to Nietzsche and Thoreau — enhances creativity. So there is no excuse to not walk those stairs instead of the elevator the next time!

Workouts don’t need to be extreme either: 30–45 minutes of brisk walking, three times a week, can help fend off the mental wear and tear and delay the onset of dementia. Or if you fancy a challenge, you could work out 300 minutes or 150 minutes of high-intensity physical activity; like sprints in the park.

Establish routines in your weekly schedule

So, how can you overcome your baser instincts that sometimes stop you from working out? One of your first steps could be dismantling barriers you’ve set up around sports activities. You can start implementing little things in your daily life: ride a bike to work, take a walk break during your lunch, or (if you’re in Berlin) dance excessively in clubs!

Besides that, you could block some time in your calendar for exercise, visible for everyone in your team so that they don’t put extra meetings in. How about leaving 30 minutes earlier every Thursday evening to attend that boxing class you keep checking out? If you don’t plan your sports slots into your schedule, you will most likely skip them, as there is always way too much work to do.

Use your office

You don’t need to leave your office to be physically active. Combine your morning with some stretching and mobilization exercises — it’s all just a matter of habit. A health tracker can additionally remind you every time you are sitting too long at your desk. If you have a lounge in your office or co-working space, you may even be able to organize a weekly workout in the office, for example, at APX, we are able to join an one-hour yoga session every Thursday. This let us get our heads clear for the day and already accounts for 60 minutes of moderate physical activity.

Make it a team time

We can motivate ourselves much more for sports when there are people around us. Why not have a weekly, bi-weekly (or at least monthly) team sports event. It’s not only great for team bonding but your health too. You could take turns in deciding who is responsible for organizing the next event.

Let your insurance pay for it:

We all know that as a startup founder money is often tight. Did you know that your insurance subsidise your sport and health classes with — on average — 150 € per year? You can check it out on your insurances’ website (or soon the Yolawo platform).

About Yolawo: Our vision is to give founders and everyone else an active and healthy life. We facilitate access to sponsored sports and health services and make more people active. Gone are the days of excuses — just find and book your sports deals through Yolawo.

